Thursday 16 January 2014


Right now then here is the NHS report I was expecting and promised I would provide.

I have also devised and printed out a response with no anger and just matter of facts as regards the truth!

Now first the scan of the letter I recieved today and they the copy and paste of the letter that will be handed into my old surgery TODAY.

This is all I am going to say on this matter for now as it is imperative that is all that I say and just like I stated on Facebook, you cannot and I repeat simply cannot second guess me.



Dear Tracey Jenkins

I received your letter and wish to comment on a number of mistakes and false truths and we will forget the patroniszing tone of the letter. Doctors are not a differet species to patients but I will provide scientific evidence to this in due course.

Paragrapgh three contains the word 'feel' when it should contain the word 'did'!

From the very second appointment with Dr Gubbay he was rude and/or sarcastic other than the odd appointment and this contnue throught my registration with your practise.

The very first thing that I tried to do was tell him about my rapport with Doctor Huq in Carterhatch Lane and that I was the reason she closed her surgery. But I was also her bext patient and the only one, HER WORDS, that had NEVER raised a voice to her. She left because I suspected I was being screwed over by GP's and had an privately done X-Ray to show this. She immediately announced the closure of her practice and left taking my X-Rays with her.

When I tried to show Dr Gubbay this he shut me off and stated that he did NOT WANT TO SEE my X-Ray as he was NOT a specialist. A rather bizarre thing for a Doctor to say when...

  1. They get sent X-Rays and many other things besides from hospitals and...
  2. He knew without looking at the X-Ray that he would not recognise anything on it

Rather bizarre, would you not agree?

Also if it was never his intention why was interrutping me and stopping me mid-sentence occuring several times each visit?!

As to Paragraph Four. Well that is entirely rediculous and obviously you are a different species to Homo Sapiens whereby you do nto get angry or say things in the heat of the moment, your husband must feel himself extremely lucky. Secondly an 'ACT OF VIOLENCE' is just that and all posters concerning acts of violence towards any medical staff state this...but...

This was stated to get a message across and has been ridiculously twisted to suit a need, but I was kind of praying that would happen anyway. For you see what Dr Gubbay failed to let me explain from the very beginning is that I had been working on exposing corruption within public offices and services and this included everything from the Police and the Secret Services, we will get to that at the end, to the NHS and all Ombudsman. I have many things from each Ombudsman and I have 100,000 readers of my data and viewers of my evidence. The General Medical Council broke a confidentiality agreement and it was bloody stupid to do this, though I laughed like a drain when they did. I wanted to show that Obudsman are there NOT as a public service and do nothing for the general public and actually help cover things up. My data on all that is over 60GB large and freely available on the Internet, I will get to that at the end too.

Now for the most ridiculously appalling excuse of all and that of my very last appointment and where I can highlight the fact that you lied in your letter, lies will ALWAYS go against you and the moment that someone within the health service lies and is proved to do so, it is already over it is not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN.

Yes I did have an appointment on the 14th but both you and NHS England have missed the biggest problem with this! The letter was already sent!! Now please recall that this is based on a threat of violence so everyone is scared, please also recall of my expectation that these comments would be twisted and used so I was...simply waiting.

I saw Dr Gubbay around 5.10pm on the Moday the 14th October and the letter taking me off the register arrived the next morning, I really could hot have hoped things happened so well in this regard. Yet despite a threat of violence having already being made Dr Gubbay saw me and he was most relaxed I can assure you of this, again I will get to this at the end.

I am afraid you are both wrong abot the medicine view and I have already made everything here very clear to NHS England and quite strange that they have not stated this to you.

Pregabalin is NOT THE SAME as Gabapentin, it merely is a realted drug and you simply CANNOT state what side effects it will cause without precribing it. That is also NOT the reason you failed to prescribe it and I already have proof of this already. You see all the time I was awaiting this letter I was still working on dealing with it for all these weeks. I am quite intellugent and that is an understatement to say the least but if Dr Gubbay had EVER allowed me to speak he would have realised this...umm I will get to that at the very end.

Pregabalin is expensive, full stop.

I am 45 years of age and have been on medication for a great many years. I have had a hell of a great deal of powerful drugs in that time, it now turns out and I can prove it that they were all wrong and I can also prove they have now had an effect on my kidneys?! Oh dear this really is not looking good for you and Doctor Gubbay. I have only ever had ONE SINGLE SOLITARY drug ever have a side effect on me and that was Gabapentin and Pregabalin was produced BECAUSE of the side effects that Gabapentin causes.

Now I believe I have made that clear but in all honesty I am thankful you gave me Amitrityline as it turns out, well in a way because it worked...for about a week and then I was struck down and completely immobile for days and when I did move about I was doubled over every so often in pain. But the Amitriptyline lead me to CORRECTLY self diagnose my REAL CONDITION.

Oh yes this reminds me, Dr Gubbay also lied to me about that, yes some people never know what their pain is, well possibly when the GP simply does not want to spend the money to do so but sit there earning thousands upon thousand of pounds from the NHS and drug companies. My answer to him was 'Oh come on! This is the 21st Century! That is not even funny.' Or as I like to call it...BS!

Oh and now for the sarcasm and I can simply explain that with that very last appointment...

“Doctor Gubbay....I have been attending this Tranquil Pain Support Group at Lincoln Road Surgery and have been to three meetings only it turned out it is NOT the Tranquil Pain Support Group! It was a recruitment drive for the NHS trying to get people with conditions they cannot be bothered to diagnose or treat to work for FREE at Chase Farm Hospital. They already have 180 people up there!'

Dr Gubbay: “That is odd!”

Me: “Yes! But they now tell me that the real group os up on Southbury Road and you cannot get your GP to refer you, you need to be referred by Pain Consultant, who had already discharged me. So can you refer me back to the Pain Consultant you sent me to?”

Dr Gubbay:”Well I NEED to know his NAME?” Sarcastic tone.

Me: “Well I do not know why it is the same guy you referred me to so should be on my notes, but it is Doctor Assizi as I sort of know him I have seen him a couple of times and he recognised me at the group and said hello” Oops another of a great many Doctors I struck up a proeffesional rapport with.

Dr Gubbay: Now having been shot down with his sarcastic comment attemppts not to hit back with a further one: “Well I need to know the name of the Support Group! I cannot refer you to a Support Group if I do not know its name?!” more intense sarcasm.

Now not wanting to thump him as I had reviously wanted to I instead return the sarcasm back again...: “umm well I believe I already told you that first off you CANNOT refer me to the Support Group which is why I asked you to refer me to the Pain Consultahnt Doctor Assizi and I ALSO BELIEVE I already gave you the name of the Pain Support Group which was the Tranquil Pain Support Group.

I group named so that people in pain are not needlessly stressed iut unneccasarrily wherby my GP has constantly tried to do this with me.

What makes this far, FAR worse than even I can make it sound is that Doctor Gubbay did not even KNOW I was attending a Pain Support Group. He then got frsutrated that he lost the battle of wits between us and said “Oh just leave it with me I will SORT IT OUT!” and ushered me to the door!

Now I will point out two extremely simple points here that will simply sink any battleship...

  1. Does that sound like a guy frightened of a patient who has the potential to be violent?!
  2. Mrs Jenkins, may I ask what happened to that referral?!
  3. If the answer to the previous point is NOTHING would that not be construed as yet another lie?!
  4. At this point you and NHS England may wish to run around and see if I have lied at all in ANY of my previous statements. You simply cannot say in a court of law that oh well we was in the right because the accused stated he would break someones jaw who was CONSTANT^LY provoking the client. Trust me at the end it will all be dead and BURIED on this one when I tell you how I can very easily prove it all

Now to cover the omission...

I was sent for an ultrasound of my groin because of pain in an area that had an Inguinal Hernia Operation. I was seen by a Darren Frances, now absolutely no beating around the bush here I was first laying down and then asked to stand. Once standing I could SEE the monitor. There was a black lump that caused the pain! Then the ultrasound guy did something that made perfect sense but I did not expect. He scanned my left side. HERNIA!

A groin are is not very gig now is it?! SO explain then how Darren Francis a week later tells me that he looked at the scan and is happy tel tell me it was completely clear?! I said simply...

“Umm are we talking about MY scan here?! The one that I WAS AT?! Because if so Mr Francis this is most certainly not true as I saw the monitor and there was a big blck lump in the area of pain and a hernia on the otherside!! Despite the fact you just sat there and lied to me I am not surprised about the second hernia because Martin Klein told me that the wall on my left side was week when he did the r8ight side op. Family and friends all know that I was told I would have to have an op a year later on the left side! That was four years ago or more!”

On hearing this Darren Francis sat bolt upright, started stuttering and shuffling papers around his desk. He then picked up his out of date dictaphone I had poked fun at to his amusement on our first visit and dictated a new letter to your surgey stating that I DID have a hernia but was not threatening.

The mistake that both Darren Francis and Doctor Gubbay made was that their assessment of me was entirely wrong and that they were convinced that they were the most intelligent person in the room. In fact in my endeavours I have already alluded to I simply and solely RELY on this being assumed and is the sole reason I have 100.000 people reading what I say and this itself rises by several thousand a week. Even the weekly amout itself rises and before long will be tens of thousands per week and this year expected to hit one million people.

This is because I also cover a great deal of subject matters beside that of corruption and therefore attract a huglely broad spectrum of people. Covered are astronomy and astrophysics, reptiles (herpetology), amphians (batrachology), Fish (Ichthyology), Wing Chun Kung Fu (so I know how to take the high road), CPUs and Computers (check the LETTERS AFTER MY NAME ON THIS ONE), Orchids both hybrids and botanical, err oh yeah BOTANY, British Wildlife and several other things and on my YouTube account I have a thousand videos and rising. I am followed by nurses that hate the corruption and advise me and people from all over the worls on all manner of things.

I explained all this to NHS England! Did they not tell you about all this?!

Mind you I cannot say I am that shocked as between the two of you, you could not even muster up my postal address!

So yes Tracey Jenkins I also have a degree and I turned down a Doctorate offered by one Peter Passmore of Middlesex Univesrity. You should try looking him up on yous system as had I accpeted the offer I would have been one of the programmers that coded the system that taught keyhole surgeons how to perfrom the surgical procedures.

Ah well if Doctor Gubbay had not been anything other than a rude and over confident moron he just might have discovered these things and so might you!

But when he said what he did about my X-Ray as I was half way through pulling it from my rucksack I knew staright away that I had yet another dodgy GP and another dosgy practise and it was aimmediately slid back inside and I continued on doing what I had done previously.

Ooh yes I forgot to mention that. Ooh and the fact that I had a series of tests at my ne GP and everyone seems very concerned about my kidneys, my cholesterol was very high as was my glucose. The growing reason is that I have been given the wrong medications for years that have possibly screwed up my kidneys and I had a urinary infection that they were also worried about!

Ooh yes and I also now know what my ailment is and I am afraid ti say that this ailment backs up everything I have EVER said about my symptoms and my condition to every Doctor I have had in the last twenty years. Your practice more than ANY OTHER.

Ooh another point, may being crazy. That was ctually quite funny really and it was good to see a docgy GP squirm over this. No after being told a dozen times in a sarcastic tine that Dr Gubbay was not: a back specialist, an hernia specialist, a pain specialist, a neurologist and any other thing I metioned oh and as well as lying to me and telling me that drugs that belong to the neurological drugs ar”JUST PAINKILLERS” being completely wrong, oops I digress here. Ahh yes that is part of my doscovered diagnosis too.

Yes Doctor Gubbay has not been sent the RE dictated letter and when I told him the letter was a lie he suddenly became an expert on psychiatry, well he had to know about SOMETHING, RIGHT?! Then started to want to send me to a psychologist to which I saud, well FUNNY THAT as now the DWP habe not been paying disability money to mental health sufferes for four years now you want o say everyone that is not happy is nuts.

Now when he kept inisting that I was mad and that the ultrasound was CLEAR I then said the following to which he then replied with he most bizarre answer that any human bing can GIVE...

“Well Doctor Gubbay, I tell you what?! Why don't I bring in with me the recording I was doing when I pulled Darren Francis about lying?! Then you can here me pull him over faking the test results, then listen to him admitting this in hos ownm words and then dictating yet another letter to you where he clearly STATES that I DO have a hernia but is not dangerous?!”

To which Doctor Gubbay answered in saying something that had me wondering as I left about his own sanity when he said and I QUOTE...

“What do I want to listen to THAT FOR?! I am not a PYSCHOLOGIST! You would need to take it to a psychologist?!”

I said “Err WHAT?!?! Are you serious?! I cannot believe you just stated that! I think if it was to be taken anywhere Doctor Gubbay it would be taken by you and then analyzed by an audio expert!”

You see what I have done is actually help the British Public. You know helping people, kind of like what a Doctor is supposed to be doing?! Do you see the deilberate mistake here Ms Jenkins?!

If I were a Doctor and someone had told me that I would ten wonder that IF TRUE then how many patients have I falsely advised in my time as a Doctor?!

Oh and I had previously been seen by a Doctor Cody several years before because I HAD THOUGHT I was losing it, now totally explained by the self diagnosis that I have. I was told and I QUOTE “Mr Haswell, WHY do you keep coming here?! Can you not see that those in the waiting room are a little different from you?! You have an Anxiety Disorder and with your life history is little wonder.” END QUOTE!

Now to the evidence, well let is forgt the fect that waiting in indeterminable amount of time waiting for you and the NHS to cook uo your excuses I have had several of the above confirmed by practising nurses, that Darren Francis is indeed a liar and this practise is indeed going on but I did not need to be told this. But indeed just as I had done in my statement in that disagreement with Doctor Gubbay, the same as I had with the General Medical Council and yet again with NHS England and right here in this very letter is the fact that I stated the following...

  2. I clearly stated here that I was already endeavouring to find out what I could about corruption and lies in government and whether or not civil sevrants, Doctors, Police and others were all aware of it but did not care as long as they receieved theitr over-inflated wages.
    I have evidence on everything I wanted...except ONE. Courts and Judges and I had planned for several organisations to take me to court in the first 6 months or so of 2014. I have technicall had three and am yet to lose one...
    Shop Direct of Littlewoods, Very amd Isme selling refurbihed and faulty goods sourced from overseas, I won!

Council Tax, who have now been issued a statement pertaining to my real health condition and that they may be now taking me to court for £200 but I now will sue them for no Freedom Pass for the last 8 years which amounts to £2,000 each year at a guess. Oddly an application form dropped into my letterbox two days later.

Eon Energy who have no realised that I am smarter than them and that I can prove that pre-payment meters are life threatening and that it is PAINFULLY obvious, especially to old people.

I also also issued the Disabilty and Carers Department with a statement pertaining to rheir oweing me £20,000 not including damages. That is an argument that has waged for 5 years now and I assure you that with the details I have provided it will blow the lid sky-high on a nationwide and possibly even worldwide scale. Oops!

That then leads us right the way back to the NHS!

Doctor Gubbay also did not know that I had been feeding the media all my date and that the repeated stories to the NHS, Police, DWP, Ombudsman and many others inclduing Argos even were because I pointed them in the right direction.

Oddly I cam currently being quizzed by someone who is either a reporter or a researcher for one or more. They seem rather focused on both the Police as well as YOU! He discovered my data on the Internet!

Yes the Internet, that little things that over confident and arrogant people just simply FAIL to see as a threat. Yet coming across so smart and so patronizing without the slightest clue of what is really going on.

Incidentally my new GP got to actually hear all of this, with mouth wide open I assure you. I told him what I can do and what I cam capable of doing. He smiled and realised immediatley and actually thanked me for letting him know where I stand. He does phone consultations with me so I do nto end up in pain dragging myself to the surgery.

He also told me why I did not get the Pragabalin and I smiled and said 'Oh I already was well aware of this. He also discovered what tests I had done, performed a series of bloodt tests, one a full blood count and is now in agreement with me over my self diagnosis.

He phoned me a few dyas back to tell me he is not messing around any further and is imply referring me off for my Fibromyalgia!!

Oh yes and the drugs worked fine for the Fibro, cheers. Funny that along with the fact that I believe Doctors and the NHS, at least in part, have known for some years what I have that I get two consecutive drugs totally unrelated in chemical make up that both work whereas years of the wrong drugs have had no effects at all?!

Does that not suggest that Doctors KNEW what I had and was comsipring to keep it from me?! No?

OK well I will end with one last little story and that is Dominick Mort, the Neurologist. In the main hall of hthe bulding I saw him and thought “that is Dominick Mort” before wondering how I could possibly know that. I then realise dthat he did a double take of me as he went be that caused him to pause mid-sentence while talking to a colleague. Yet his clinic is in a building a 1,000 yards away fom where we were in a different part of the hospital.

Funny as the NHS do NOT have a picture of me so how can this possibly be?!

To highlight this to thise that report things in the news as well as my readers I actually pointed out this to him in a roundabout way when he calles me into his clinic. He admits the this occurrence in the main hall! Good, lad!! But guess what I was doing at the time?!

I am sent for Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead. The tester states when asked that tehse tests do NOT rule out every neurologiical disorder but a lot of them. He then gives me TWO results, one for me and one for Dominick Mort. Except a week later Dominick Mort was never going to be handed them by me as I am discharged being told that I do not have a neurological disorder?! Well that is strager still, I have not had all the tests and was assured that Dominick Mort was the best in the country, the best obviously resides at Chase Farm Hosptal of course, and would find ou what was wrong?!

This brings me onto yet another problem with Doctor John Gubbay in his statement...”You DO NOT HAVE a neurological disorder!”

Well funny that as while I was under him or just before I went to him, I was told by a chap at St Michael's “Well if your toes are bending up like that you must have a neurological disorder?! It is the ONLY answer!” to which I said the following now please pay close attention as you medical so-called experts very rarely do...

“But I do have a neurological disorder.” to which he asks me which one and I answer...

“Resltless Legs Syndrome, though they call it that but I now get it in my arms too.” to which HE replies...

“You HAVE RLS?!” and I confirm it. Having spoken to me previously as if I had been making everything up he then asks me what RLS is like, how and when it affects me and did I take any drugs for it and have it diagnosed.

I then tell him all he needs to know and that I took Mirapexin for many years which is also treated for Parkinson's Disease and that the drug is nerological in nature.

If Doctor John Gubbay had even bothered to look at my medical records he would have seen this and I will add that it was I, ergo ME, that informed the NHS that RLS was aggravated by caffeinne, again if Dr John Gubbay...OH you get the jist of it!

This is also the point when he makes the mistake of lying to me about Gabapentin, when I state to him that I do have a neurological disorder and that I have had several neurological drugs that work he askes which ones. When I say Gabapentin he immediatley says “That is not a neurological drug, it just a pain killers like Iburprofen or any other painpkillers!”

From this I see no need to further the conversation. I know what the facts are and yet here is a man that is constantly rude, interrupts and calls you a liar, mad or speaks to you as if you were stupid which leads me onto my very last point and enter stage left the fisaco that is the GMC!

I indeed stated that thjis was from day one. Every occasion nearly the appointment went the same way, meaning that before I had even walked into his surgery my back was up and the heckles were raised.

Ergo Ms Jenkins it will be seen that it was not TAKEN OFF YOUR REGISTRY that should be taking place that I should be given a damn medal for having managed to avoide breaking the jaw of an obnixious, cocky, rude, self-obsessed liar that upped my Tramdol to 200mg per day when I wanted ot changed for something better and then FORGETS to put this on my file!!

I would imagine that had you not passed out from utter fear upon realisation of just how big a problem this is now sitting at your door that you heart rate has elevated while you wonder how in the hell your going to handle this?!

Or what mincemeat I am going to make of the PHSO next? Which I have already done in part a couple of years back, but do not worry that feeling of over-confidence and self-importance can ALWAYS be relied upon to allow me to achieve what I want and get to the goals tha I wish to achieved.

After all I believe I made it very clear of what I did not expect to acquire from approaching ombudsman and the letters I scanned and aired of the Internet clearly show that I have been doing this for a lot longer than a decade!

Therefore Ms Jenkins I now believe I have made myself abundantly clear and that if your going to corrupt an industry and go up against someone that is honest, which is double brilliant for me due to the short term memory problems, you all need a very good story and all have extremely good memories.

I was once told this by a woman barrister nearly twenty years ago who attacked me for an hour and the after founr hours had changed and stopped to apologise. She explained that she had never met anyone, man especially, as honest, caring and professional as me and that everything I stated matched up to the four statements she had in fron of her. My opponent, however, she told me had four very differing statements and that questions put to them were not matching up with ANY of the statements she had before her.

People ask me how I di it and I soimply answer thus...

“I am honest and I play the long game and in the end honesty wins out over ANY adversary and added to this many people believe they are one step ahead of you. I allow them to believe this and it allows me to remain four steps ahead of them”

I had a local friend die of kidney concer and I and another firned who still lives looked after him while he was dying. The treatment he DID NOT get at the hands of an uncaring and corrupt NHS were shoking. He often used to be nervous because he would find out what people thought about me and was worried about upsetting me. Each time he did so I would smile at him and wink. After several times of this occuring he raored with laughter and said “Martin, how do you do it?! Everytime I find something out I am scared all day to tell you and every single bloody time you already know even though you do not speak to these people anymore! How?!”
I simply told him that if you keep quiet and let all around you think what they like and say what they like in the end the result always ends up the same...I WIN!

Now that I have issued you with av very detailed report as to what REALLY DID take place I am not really sure what you are going to do with it, but I could hazard a couple of guesses.

I do not envy you, you are now realising you are stuck between a rock and a hard place and the only thing that you have to choose from is the rock and the hard place.

I can tell you this much....

The rock always stands firm whereas the hard place is merely an unpleasant place to be.

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc

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