Wednesday 15 January 2014


Long since known about this one after hearing story after story from burgers and kids themselves.

White children are performing poorly and not doing will and acting up...

...because they are but getting help or support and their teachers are scared that they will be labelled racists if they do!!

Hmm sounds just like their adult counterparts and this goes double for the disabled British folk. White British folk I should say because I myself have been victim of this time and time again.

Now realising that I have had a terrible disability for over 15 years and that they knew for anywhere up to half that time I was passed over for help and support to help fully fit ethnic minorities.

These fully fit ethnic minorities are if a specific race and also seem to have blue badges as well as cars funded for them.

I do not even get a bus pass from mine and endure pain every day for more than thirteen years.

That amount of time dealing with that had an effect on you. It cannot, not have an effect.

Difficult to explain but this entire blog explains it. Might be easier to show people later in 2014?!


Ofsted: Racism fear hit white pupils

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