Saturday, 25 January 2014


(To: is the email address)

Right now one last post tonight I simply have to do.

After Good knows how many weeks of waiting Enfield Council finally send me the email address of the magistrates court where there are too take me to city for non payment of council tax.

I was... indisposed as I typed it out and you will note that I mention I was getting ill?! In fact I mentioned it on my last post.

To cut a long story very short now I was throwing up the Cod and Chips that I now regret buying on the way home!! This happened just two maybe the days ago with a Chili Con Carne?!?!

Things are difficult at the best of times and this really is horrible and knocks the wind right out of my sails!! Indeed it is times like this when I wonder what the point of going on living really is?!?! This happens a great deal and is just another bloody battle I have about the pros and cons of living a life that a whole long list of institutions have made a living nightmare that the devil would not be capable of enduring!


So below is the email as I sent of shortly ago and there is a break in the storm of vomiting and wanted to post this off. I could now fall sleep at any moment like I do sometimes bizarrely during the day only more sudden. My Fibrofog could cause me to forget and I do prefer to have things posted as close to the event as I can get just for your records, lol!


Dear Sirs

I am contacting you over the fact that Enfield Council have taken me to court over £200 non payment of Council Tax.

Now I will contact you again with more  specific details to what I am now going to inform you of but...

1) I do not owe Enfield Council £200 Z and the fact is they actually owe me over £14,000 and this does not include damages. For one they have NEVER paid my rent in full in nearly 7 years.

2) They have refused A FREEDOM PASS for the last 6 years at a cost of £2,000 per year.

3) I am disabled with one of the worst conditions anyone can suffer with.

Enfield Council have been informed of all this and ate about to receive an application and informed of the following

1) I was long since interested in corruption in public office and found it to be rife hidden away from the public eye by words staff members did not actual understand

2) That everyone is at this and I decided to find out how, who and gather evidence and make it public and that this involved...

3) The NHS who I originally thought were just incompetent and refusing to diagnose my many conditions, 10 of which class me as disabled on their own, I not only prove but secretly recorded a long list of them in conversions and arguments lying about my condition, diagnosis, test results and medical records!!

4) The above has been available to an ever growing public audience that just hit 100,000 people and now growing by several thousand outer week and rising.

5) Those corrupted public offices and services include also the Police, HMRC, DWP, Many Local Governments and all Ombudsman among with s long list of others.

6) Some private companies are also involved and several others recently attempted to take me to court whereby I told them off all this and stated that the only institution I knew nothing about when it came to corruption but had heard plenty of damning details about where in fact the different courts!!

7) Thus far your b the this third attempt to take me to court the first, Eon Energy, pulled out when they refused I would do them far more damage than they could ever receive from. The serving was Shop Direct via Northampton County Court to which the Judges accrued the evidence I provided which I will below the it back at solicitor and debt collectors and I emails and letters of apologies from

8) My revealing of all my evidence is way over 50GB and very damning and been used by the media and Michael Meacher MP who shed if he could use it in the House of Commons back in January 2013 and you can find it all at...

Now if you forgive me I asked for your email before Xmas and fashionably late again only just got it.

I am also very I'll with my condition as I tour this and about to their up continuously!

I will get back to you with mire SPECIFIC web addresses at some point to evidence.

You're faithfully

Martin Haswell BSc

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