Monday 23 November 2020


Well for a little longer.

But it cannot go on forever.

I am centre-left but I do not voted here in the UK and am likely unique in that I have never voted in a general election and certainly not voted for any of the big three.

Did vote for Farage twice but like so many others he disappointed me.

Now I do not like nor ever have lied socialism and in fact in recent years I have come to realise what lying, twisting, deluded fascists they truly are. I despise them. Or at least the ones I have met on social media claiming to be hard-left. So far left they are hanging onto the cliff by their teeth.

That being said I have also hated the Conservatives over their cronyism and greed for money and their attacks, though Labour did this too, on those with health conditions. Like me.

They lie and have lied for years and people thought I was mad as the things I was claiming were not possible and I was ridiculed because other people thought it was too scary to even think about if what I said was the case.

Eight years on they realise not only was I correct about everything but it was far worse than even I stated.

A shame then that the problem we are in is the denial of others that stems from fear with some Dunning-Kruger thrown into the mix.

My fear was that while they were patronizing us by telling us we was all in it together they fact was THEY was all in something together.

The decisions they made that the people had to pay for in many different ways while they sat atop their ivory towers was plain old fucking incompetence.

Thrown into this, well in the UK at least and Angela Merkel did this over immigration, was changing their stances on things that was so fucking obvious as it was a complete about-face.

Jeremy Corbyn once hated the European Union and for years wanted to get out. Then suddenly to socialists and all except for the Socialist Worker Part whose stance still remains, if you did not know, that they want to LEAVE the EU.

Odd no one reported this I the fake news, no?

It was assumed I was far-right. Laughable. It was also stated only recently that 'he is so far-right he has fallen off his flat-Earth'. I kid you not. The fact is they are willing to throw ANY bullshit that they can in the hope that one day one sticks.

Apparently to these shills a single mistake they catch you on means you was wrong on everything you ever said.

Rather odd considering not only have I not been proven wrong but they are all the time while they hope that the one thing they might eventually get right they can use to say they were right all along.

These people belong in an institution. Or a prison. These people are pure calculating, snake in the grass, schemers. And they want power over YOU.

Now you can go through my various posts where I have only posted about 1% of the shite they utter and if you read it all and are shocked at what they say then consider this ..

If they are like this now and without any power what will they be like with too much power?

They are on social media telling everyone that the millions of witnesses and talk of evidence and investigations that had not even started are nothing and should be ignored. Just accept your fate that you have been cheated.

No .. the people will never accept this and nor should they.

That being said we have all waited patiently for years for justice to come and things to change but at the end of the day .. what has actually changed?

Its got worse for me and is still bad and shows no signs of changing, my heath is not being treated, my heart issues continue, my very high blood pressure dogs me along with all the pain and the memory problems.

And I am trapped with a narcissistic socialist everyone thinks, as I have reported for years, need psychiatric help that is forcing me to eat food that triggers my condition and may well be slowly killing me and at best leaves me in pain for hours.

Often I have to bin it while no one is looking or I get bitching and moaning about it, I kid you not.

I am being forced to eat thins that cause me pain I have asked for three years not to cook for me and they continue to do it anyway.

A social worker friend who himself is a Type 1 Diabetic does now know how I have not gone insane or thrown myself in front of a truck.

He cannot believe, as do others now, how I am treated my not only my own country but by those immediately around me.

So anyone that insists to my face that things have improved or socialists saying they want to treat me even worse than they already are will get something far worse then a swift kick to the nether regions. Metaphorically speaking. Or not.

What is funny is no one notices how, in the UK at least, no one has noticed that the TC channels have flock all money. Old repeats for months and months.

No one really talking about the cinemas closing down either.

My social worker friend has been arguing with his girlfriend over Donald Trump and Covid-19 and he said to me recently that there must be something as his teacher girlfriend said that an undertaker told her he had buried 600 people in a week from Covid deaths.

I statEd “Well she obviously does not teach maths. AS with over 4,000 undertakers n the UK she just got told around 2.5 million people died in a week from the disease so in a months time half the UK will be dead”

He burst out laughing.

Let us also not forget that I actually predicted a pandemic on this very blog in early 2019, not 2020, and ran a series of six parts about it and no one believed me it was a thing and it was coming.

After 6 parts on it and I had to state on social media that I had to stop as the numbers were not right and when ridiculed and that I predicted it I replied ..

Well actually I predicted it for around 2023-4 because I expect the cosmic rays to go well beyond their record and this causes mutations.”

Seek Carl Sagan out for that one. I was literally “HUH?” when the first reports came in from China and did not expect this so soon. But then this does tend to happen a lot, my predictions arriving earlier than I thought.

I had hoped that something would work out and that my blog and what I said at least got to enough people.

Do you know how many people tried to get the attention of main people? Of just the one I heard about I had people running to Rebel Media, Ezra Levant, Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson and jumping up and down telling them they need to talk to me.

One known RM journalist on an anonymous account said they needed to talk top me and then vanished into thin air.

There is plenty of evidence of what I have said, plenty of recordings, plenty of documents and yet as my daughter and friends realise anyone who is a name is shot scared to approach me and I do not know why this is.

Hard-left will tell their usual bullshit and lies, 'it is because you are a crank and mental'.

No that is only you that makes snap decisions and act prejudiced without actually looking at the evidence 'cus muh propaganda' Only weak willed, easily led and small minded people do this.

Over eight years I have been doing this. Eight years I have been battling for others. Eight years. IN pain, with memory issues and costing me £100k without the pain and suffering and attacks on me involved.

Is there anyone familiar with the words 'reciprocation'. 'reward' and 'help'?

So after eight years I ask myself why I bother?

So after eight years as well as me not getting anywhere and having numbers that just do not quite help me and a long, long way from helping others because said others cannot be bothered to spread it around, where are we at?

Nothing done about Social Media Giants.

Nothing done about Corporate Tax cheats.

Nothing done about those they said would go to jail.

What happened with that wall?

So many impeachment attempts it was ludicrous.

What did the one in politics, everyone thought would be our saviour in the UK, do when it came to the crunch? Who then went and worked for leftists at LBC.

Not noticed any leaders talking about The Great Reset.

AGW has much going against it in the way of DATA and yet apart from some hardcore hard-left no one is talking about either AGW or the emerging data.

The number of acts against the people .. the masses that it is obvious to all and yet nothing is .. EVER DONE. Even Tim Pool has talked about the number of times people have been dragged before some committee and nothing ever happens.

This has been happening in the UK for years.

And yet its the people that end up paying the price and no one ever does anything.

From thousands to hundreds of thousands know that I have been attacked in all sorts of ways and for a great many years. They know I am forced to go through a living hell and have been for years.

I have lost count of the number of times that people have told me 'do not worry, it wont last for long and will end soon, just keep fighting'.

Each time I have thought 'yeah, right'.

A couple of nights ago after many years of hell I made my way to a late night store around 1am and had heart issues the whole time and had visions of being found dead the nest morning.

Been planning to build a new PC and been asking myself would it be worth it, will I actually be able to make money before The Great Reset plan takes cash away from everyone and will I live long enough to get the damn thing built?

And then there is the thing that the hard-left think I am lying about when they wrongly assume I am some Trump fan or paid by him, I am worried about this global cooling now occurring and wonder if societies collapse within 5 years? Will we be buried in 10 metres of ice in 10 to 15 years?

The hard-left think I have this massive ego and that I make predictions and just want to be right all the time, which shows you how often I have been accurate.

But someone that predicts a mile wide asteroid is going to strike the city of town where he lives does not want to be right. No I am not saying this will happen it is just an example.

Though to be honest the way that humanity has been behaving towards each other in recent times from large religions sects that think they are the master race of the world to politicians and over paid actors and actresses and public services to Nurses, Doctors and Surgeons I often wonder if it will be a great loss?

Something is wrong and it started a long time ago and is getting worse and you see this in animals to science to people and beyond.

The science is emerging that has a physical connection to all this and several reasons behind these crazy times and yet no one seems to talk about it.

Very recently after using arguments to animate me to get me mad because this is how I get my memory and focus to work I uncovered three things.

  • Link between Antifa and Philosophy of Science and Karl Popper

  • Link between Karl Popper and George Soros

  • Evidence of a master plan I called 'Project Distraction' others referred to as the New World Order now known as The Great Reset

  • Sun become inactive, I was the only one that accurately predicted the length of the current solar minimum

  • Volcanic, seismic, magnetic field increased activity

So with all this I actually stated to many followers that there remains two link and all it needs is for someone to find them, along the likes of Tim Pool.

Except Tim Pool recently discovered The Great Reset plan and around 4 months ago he also covered an article in the Daily Mail about the Sun being in an unusual inactive mode.

This scientific data that is all ignored by the hard-left in favour of CO2, suggest that we are heading into a cold period where at the very least the River Thames will freeze enough to have markets on it without fear of breaking the ice.

Sound mad? It happened before. In a period between 1650 and 1700. Which also happened to be the last time the Sun did what it is doing right now, which started around 1648.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. This is what they should do.

Prepare for ourselves, fuck the rest. Seems to be what they are doing.

It is not a question of IF it will happen, as it will and I just cannot tell you right now how bad it will get or even when it will get bad if it does.

No the question is whether or not those that have their hands on the power and the money believe it is going to happen or not. Also, what would you think they would do about it?

What if they have serious doubts about food production in say 5 or 10 years time and maybe they think that you will not be able to produce enough food for everyone?

What if species of food plants go extinct?

Oh well its turned out quite convenient and great timing that 15 years ago they finished a Doomsday Vault in Norway they spent years storing the seeds to all food plants in. That took years to store. Might be only 5 years or so ago they finished that?

They they started on all other species of plants.

Do you think its not funny how they tell you that major catastrophes are hundreds to millions of years away when they have no way of knowing and 15 years after a Doomsday Vault, only one we know of, is built the scientific data suggests a possible doomsday scenario my not be far away?

I can assure you this will be obvious to the biggest idiots by 2024 and I am even wondering it will be after this winter or the next?

Often my predictions happen sooner than I expect rather than later.

I had hoped some things were not as I feared. I am followed by a great many very nice people and they put their faith into something and I hoped they would get what they wanted.

There has been this whole Qanon thing, intriguing and I had hoped there was something real behind it and not just another distraction plan.

Then the election happened and I often tell people I was asked beforehand by a centre-left friends who hates socialists whether Joe Biden would win or not.

I said “He cannot even get close without a great deal of cheating involved”

By cheating I do not mean one great act but many smaller ones as no one would be stupid to do one single thing as they risk of being uncovered is too great

But then as I pointed out none of these people actually have anything happen to them even when seen by all anyway. They still walk around free despite causing misery and horrors to millions of people.

And yet everyone complains about Hitler and Stalin while I have been lied to and cheated for decades and would rather I had been given a lethal injection than go through the last 30 years.

In fact if you have ever seen me at work, which leaves a great many in awe, this is literal revenge and I do it in case I do drop dead at some point.

The thought that these people would get away with what they have done drives me insane and makes me as mad a hell.

In any breakdown of society and a civil war you would not want to provide me with a sniper rifle, a small team I can trust and a list of particular names and their locations, I will tell you that for nothing. Evil is evil and we should not tolerate this.

A great many thought I was mad 9 years ago and yet today it is a different story as everyone has apologised as I got everything right. Everything I said was happening has not only emerged but worse than I stated in most cases.

'And yet my blogs are still not spread far and wide and people are still looking up to these saviours with sound bites and still missing the facts'.

What has also been missed is that the hard-left are very concerned about who listens to me and this blog. You would think people would pick up on this too? They cannot get rid of me so they hide my tweets and I have had issues with every single platform now. Each and every one.

It is like I am the man that knows too much and no one is aware of it.

Each person that beats a drum about this subject or that subject seems to get handsomely awarded for their endeavours without actually ever achieving anything. While my laptop teeters on the brink almost out of toothpaste.

Oh apparently according to the hard-left if you have no money then you are wrong by default.

Yeah about the hard-left, Marxists and Socialists. Yeah I do not think they are these things despite calling them that and a follower called Jack Eddifyer was right on that. But I had to label them as something that was familiar to others so that they were identifiable.

But these people are insane and way further left than Marxists or Socialists. Way worse too.

In fact it has crossed my mind that these people may not even be leftists at all because they seem to be clueless about their own left politics.

I mean, come on man they attacked Noam Chomsky!

So if they are not what they claim, what are they?

  • Agents for the Great Reset?

  • Agents of the CCP (favoured among many)

  • Democrat politicians on sock account?

  • People making money out of Green Energy?

  • People making money out of fear and have shares in medical supplies?

Another thing I have always hated is the stock market and I think now you can see why?

Told people back in 1999 and before this that it will prove our undoing as its legalised gambling and a way to make money while doing nothing while everyone else is expected to work their asses off even in pain for a pittance. While you cannot even afford to pay someone else to live in a property that person owns.

The problem has always been that there are way too many people in the world.

Handy then that they all just got piled on top of each other with these morons on the left promoting and pushing for it and I am sure nothing will happen and It wont be the lefts fault for being morons cos their feel-feels. Virtue signalling is a great 'get out of jail free card'.

There are a whole lot of these cards today.

Handy to that if there is a sudden freeze as the volcanoes increasing might spawn a VEI6 or 7 eruption that people are being pumped into the locations where this will take place. Europe and the UK.

Then there is the volcano .. or .. volcanoes.

Italy? The Unites States and Yellowstone? Somewhere in East Asia? Russia? Mount Fuji in Japan?

It is concerning for me as if I do not have enough to deal with what with my health, heart, pain, memory and other things besides.

Always battling to do the right thing and supporting others when I have my doubts about whether I should be supporting them.

This Presidential Election of 2020 has been like absolutely nothing before it and nothing even comes close. It has the whole world .. umm .. distracted?

It is obvious that cheating has gone on and there is no way that with zero turnout, the rumours and videos of Biden touching children and not staying awake, got more votes than Barack Obama. How about ten million more?

Well the hard-left I battle with say the whole world knows he lost. Except as I showed this is not the case in many places. One being Australia.

Turns out Vladimir Putin knows too.

Sidney Powell emerged quickly and rated as a top attorney, author she did not seem to mess around and many conservatives praised her. She was on the Trump Legal Team .,. and then she was not and that has many conservatives asking questions and rightfully so.

And then it emerges she is a big Qanon fan and that is why others distanced themselves from her and I cannot give you an opinion either way. There does appear to be a stigmata that goes with believing in Qanon though I am not sure why.

If this thing is so bad how does a highly rated attorney and author buy into it?

It has just been one lie after another to the people of the world and for a very .. VERY long time.

They said we would all be burning to death but now it is all white.

Pakistan was not only got early season snowfall and again but the amounts and images are staggering.

India, which had the largest portion of believers in AGW in July 2019 and one of only three or four countries in the majority range, has now suffered its coldest November and has had early season snow too.

So bye bye to the majority in India overt the next few months.

Now this one is key. Ice-Storms do occur but ones bad enough to bring down trees and cause deaths are very rare.

Except in October, hottest month ever, there have been several of these and now one hits Russia.

While people bitch and whine one wonders what one is required to do to show these others that they are there own worst enemy.

That they are insisting and repeating utterly made theories no one is going to pay any attention to?

That to win you have to work out what you have got wrong and drop it and focus on what you have got right that you can prove.

That repeating you are right on something you cannot over and over again is not going to prove it to anyone.

You need a damned good track record of accurate predictions and the craziest sets of evidence.

I have possessed both of these for eight years. And yet oddly I struggle were idiots succeed.

I was even told I was better than Tim Pool in a direct message?! I told him you could never believe that looking at my numbers.

But then maybe this is because I did not do YouTube vlogging? Something that Google put me off after lying to me and acquiring me as one of their slaves and not getting paid for years after freezing my revenue and burying my YouTube videos.

Its funny how there are no end of people that are aware of social media giants doing this and yet do very little to help.

No idea how those groups that insisted they were right are going to cope IF Joe Biden becomes president? Or anything happens in the UK or Europe like that?

Maybe .. you should have paid attention to the right people?

I feel certain that if things have not changed in two years from now there will be hell to pay acro9ss the world. Could be sooner and could bas a late as 2024 but ..


Food for thought.

This is Styxhexenhammer telling people on his YouTube channel that The Guardian ran a story about how child labour is OK, helps them to be able to continue getting iPhones under socialism I guess?

These people are evil fascists and they see your children as theirs. Everything belongs ot the state in their eyes and they also hate all religions and all churches and temples will be gone in a few years.

They have since altered the article but Styx here explains how you can find it.

Saturday 21 November 2020


Before I start this I should point out that what is explained is a series of lies and failures stemming from bigoted, fascist leftists that have infected everything.

From every public service from the NHS to local councils and including Age UK and people like the Citizen's Advice who can only be described as

  • Evil

  • Lazy

  • Incompetent


Just got off the phone and the murderer, domestic abuser, multiple rapist Muslim has just dolt Police, while on probation, that he wants to move to Bangor in North Wales. Which is where his victim fled to, to get away from him.

Turns out he is also now driving around in a Range Rover just like his bother involved in a stabbing incident I previously talked about. And he is said to be seeing an ex-girlfriend he met previously that would put her at 12 years old. Ergo a third victim.

And attempting to fish for information he told the authorities he has spent an evening with his previous victim and children to try and fish for details and locations. But as she is over 100 miles away, not likely. Nor would have have taken it will with the new partner his victim has and someone would have got seriously injured.

And he has told them he has £134,000 in a bank account and wants to buy a house in Bangor.

Annoying as if he DOES have money I can assure you he is funded by the evil, fascist leftists who hate me and its widely know I am linked to him.

While I get no support of any kind and Age UK passed personal details onto Antifa which was leaked online several times. Information NOT available online.

So not only do I not get help or any funding or disability as a disabled person these two drive around and get handed money and cars.

The Police are not getting nervous, well of course because if he hurts or rapes someone else with the knowledge I have on his history, it will cause the biggest unrest the UK has seen in decades.

Oh I also had a leg lock up and got froze to the spot in the bathroom.

Very painful but all I can think about is what if this happened to me down by the River Thames?

I have issues with motion and pubic transport has gradually become a problem and a fear and when this started happening on trains I could not believe it. Alcohol is the only thing I know that stops this but you cannot travel around half-drunk all the time.

That was 7 years ago and the NHS and DWP just fucking ignored it like everything else while whipping me like a slave and sticking the knife in my back along with other public authorities for years.

People literally ask me how I have not left a trail of dead bodies and burning buildings in my wake.

End Note.

Getting back on track .. so yeah I may have broken my had a few weeks back, or even re-broken it, as it still hurts. I cannot do the exercise required to deal with my condition. Also I have not been out on my bike because of the weather and currently not even sure I can ride if this had does not heal up.

Not only do I have trouble getting the bike out of the building but I am also having issues with my heart now too, likely because I have not done the exercising I am supposed to do which is cycling.

Now then .. a 4 bedroom house has been handed over, to the victim mentioned above and they remarked about wanting to keeping things off social media .. and now the home is fully furnished and occupied.

Now its time to get out my other guns. Yeah that .. authority will not get my attention but I am far from finished and other authorities need to be focused on.

Covered these for years but whether people are just blind and stupid or whether the powers that be were successful in suppressing me or a bit of both, I do not know. But my social media presence, which also grew like lightning before slowing to a crawl, allows me to get more of this out to more people.

In more places than the leftists are aware of.

Which they have never uncovered.

Funny thing is I was mentioning this to someone the other day .. three years of this and they have dived down everywhere, two platforms I am on and then there are the phishing emails and a profile I set up years ago I have not bothered. I get emails all the time fro them saying 'You are being noticed' whereas I went years without anyone batting an eyelid.

Now this is something else I have long covered and trust me when I stated that I have the letters, medical records, witnesses as well as recordings for the institution that had Seals ling streets up and down the country clapping their flippers together like a bunch of brain-dead morons.

The National Health Service.

The have lied about two special needs children that could have cost them their lives and lied about the entire family.

Recently I reported that they had refused to see one child that had very smelly fluid coming out of her ear. They asked the mother to take found swabs over a couple of months .. because they lost them all. There is STILL no diagnosis.

They previously refused to see another little girl who had a fit and seizure and that was 18 months or so ago.

This was a little girl who has had several ambulances called out for her over 3 to 4 years.

Both are special needs that even the various schools they attended know that the NHS have not only dragged their feet, refused to see but then LIED ABOUT. No ifs or buts about it, I am a professional and I was involved and they lied about it. No .. Covid was not the excuse.

So I had the mother crying on the phone as it turned out the daughter that had been rushed to hospital several times as now been recognised as having a heart murmur.

Who, I should add, should not have been made to do Physical Education and this has now had to stop.

They mother and her boyfriend was asked if the little girl's lips had ever turned blue after stating that the rest of the children would need to be tested. The answer was no.

Sitting in a park later the two adults looked at each other when the father figure in this situation said 'but the other 'girl's' lips have turned blue a couple of time?!'

This is the older girl who has not been seen, treated been examined and refused appointments and had her disability lied about. The NHS Paediatrician lied about this two years ago. The ear issue has been going on for the best part of a year.

I am only getting back on this now because they public services were all over their rapist, murderer, domestic abuse of a father because the socialists in the NHS and Local Council are racist.

You want confirmation of this you only need speak to the mother. And when people try someone steps in each single time and warns them off.

No one ever comes across as genuinely helping and those that promised to never did and/or only in it for what they thought they could get out of it.

I myself have reported as being in a lot of pain and I am not seen by the NHS because they are lying, cheating, cold, callous self-serving bar stewards.

I am in pain and suffering every single say and for 3 years wondering if I will make it to the next week in one piece, if not dead then lost my marbles.

I have lost tens of thousands of pounds myself, 90% of my belongings, a home, a car and a business because of corrupt institutions likelihood

  • NHS

  • DWP

  • Local Councils

I used to refer to these three as the evil trinity and I stated that it was a ruse to save money and fuck anyone and their pain and suffering and if you get the NHS to lie then the other two also save a bundle.

Oddly it only affects British born people.

I also have a witness to this was was a social worker for over 20 years who is a Type 1 Diabetic who now has also been lied to himself and they keep giving away his medication.

I am trapped with three mental cases and one a narcissistic socialist whose own grandchildren wont have anything to do with because everything has to be about them.

The social worker calls her 'Hitler's Wife' and says that despite having nothing in the way of medical conditions hers has to be worse then everyone else's despite mine being in the top 20 of most painful.

A legal expert told me I am owed £250,000 in loses and I assure you its £100k more now and that's without the suffering and pain.

  1. PAIN- in the muscle: often described as aching, burning, throbbing, gnawing, shooting, tingling. Almost always exacerbated by exercise and may or may not be present at rest. Can be migratory and differing from day to day.

Told NHS for years.

  1. FATIGUE- From feeling tired to exhausted and requiring rest periods during the day.

Told NHS for years.

  1. SLEEP DISTURBANCE- not being able to fall asleep and or able to stay asleep. Unrefreshing sleep patterns " feels like I haven't slept."

Told NHS for years.

  1. PARESTHESIA- numbness or tingling. ( non dermatomal)

Told NHS for years.

  1. DEPRESSION- most often reactive as with chronic pain condition.

Told NHS for years

  1. ANXIETY- may include panic attacks.

Told NHS for years

  1. PERSONALITY CHANGES- usually a worsening of a previous tendency.

Told NHS for years


9. SUBJECTIVE SWELLING OF EXTREMITIES- i.e. feels swollen but no-one can find anything.

  1. HEADACHES- tension and or migraine.

Told NHS for years.

  1. COGNITIVE FUNCTION PROBLEMS: calculation difficulties, memory disturbances, spatial disorientation, difficulty with concentration, short

Told NHS for years.

term memory loss.

12. FREQUENT UNUSUAL NIGHTMARES- or being unable to dream.

13. DYSTONIA- stiff muscles due to involuntary contracture. Difficulty in moving tongue to speak.



  1. LIGHT HEADEDNESS- "Fibro Fog", spaced out, cloudy.

Told NHS for years.



19. MILD BUTTERFLY RASH- (LUPUS TYPE) May be photo sensitive.

  1. NEUROGENIC INFLAMMATION- rashes, may be severe itching. NI causes the symptoms and signs of Dermatographia.

Told NHS for years.


Told NHS for years.

22. MUSCLE WEAKNESS- variable with no "objective" abnormality to formal testing.

  1. SCIATICA- like pain

Told NHS for years.

  1. PHOTOPHOBIA- Intolerance of bright lights.

Told NHS for years.


Told NHS for years.



Do not like noise.

28. TINNITUS- ringing in the ears.

29. OCCASIONAL EXAGGERATED NYSTAGMUS- involuntary rapid movement of the eye ball.

  1. CHANGES IN VISUAL ACUITY- impaired function of the smooth muscle used for focus as well as skeletal muscles for tracking.

Started happening three years ago.


Ah mentioned this too .. sometimes I get drunk way too quickly!!



Yes, Tramadol had this effect.

34. WEIGHT CHANGES- usually gained due to the lack of exercise through pain and or tricyclic antidepressants


Yes and I wonder if Fibromyalgia Rubber Legs is on the list? Given Mirapexin for this many years ago after two years of mentioning it.

36. HEIGHTENED AWARENESS- of symptoms of HYPOGLYCEMIA 9 when blood sugar falls)


Oh fuck .. been telling people I cannot eat potatoes and someone keeps giving them to me like they are trying to kill me. Oddly its a narcissistic leftist that thinks everything it about them.


Been telling the NHS about this for years.

  1. HEARTBURN- secondary to I.B.S.

Not only have they treated this and said it was a Hiatus Hernia for 4 years I have suspected they got this wrong and LIED. Because they spent 10 years refusing the operation.



Told them about this for years. Have issues with heat though other sufferers mostly cold. Have to wear shorts and vest in summer.


God, yes! Told them this for years.


Told them this for years.


  1. HEART MURMUR-Mitral Valve Prolapse appears to be more symptomatic in FM than normal.

Now find out my granddaughter has this. My father and grandmother died or heart issues and I have heart issues NOT looked at properly like everything else.

46. IMPOTENCE- reactive and occasionally.



  1. MUSCLE SPASM- twitching.

Told them this for years.

  1. NON-CARDIAC CHEST PAIN- which may simulate cardiac disorder.

Told them this .. Chest Wall Pain. Affected me in 2003.




54. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDER- usually due to abnormal muscle tone.

55. RAYNAUD'S- like symptoms.

56. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME-possible related condition.

57. HAIR LOSS-secondary to psychological stress from FM.

58. VULVODYNIA- Vulvar discomfort or pain, burning, stinging and irritation.

  1. PLANTAR ARCH-or heel pain. Exacerbated in FM.

Had already had other symptoms a very long time. Started to ask about this one due to pain walking and especially standing, from around 2001-3. Was fobbed off and lied to by the NHS and diagnosed myself around 2016.

So some symptoms go back over 20 years the NHS were aware of but the key one is this one.

I found this because I had a crying daughter on the phone, herself having cervical cancer missed and her own Fibromyalgia missed.

Had been meaning to look up for awhile anyone having issues with eating potatoes as this has been going on a number of years and, to me, is just weird.

Typical I find it here.

The NHS were told about this in 2016.

This list of symptoms has been correlated by the Arthritis Foundation S.A.

Now lets get this straight.

I have battled all my life, been screwed over by my university, screwed over by the DWP, screwed over by local councils. I have been suicidal at times and they call this the suicide disease because it is just too much.

I have been ignored by authorities, treated like a criminal, had friends and family assume I was lying about this for years.

I have worked, I have asked for help to set up my own business twice, refused the first time, accepted the second time then they pulled the rug from under me and I lost my home, car .. very almost everything.

My daughter was taken away and not given any rights to see me as she grew up. She has a life worse than I told the courts who did not investigate.

She has been the victim of rape gangs, kept prisoner and had her own cervical cancer missed. The Police and Social Workers persecuted her for years on end. She has had two cars taken away from her. She had a child taken away from her and given to his paedophile father. We found out years later he had been beaten and we can only assume it was the father. No I am not kidding.

They deliberately went out of their way NOT to diagnose my special needs granddaughter and then a paediatrician LIED in the diagnosis contradicting all previous claims by professionals, schools, social workers. Two years on they have now reverse their original diagnosis.

Another granddaughter has fluid oozing from her ear. They have point blank refused to see her for months and in that time asked my daughter to take a swab. No less then four times because they kept losing them.

While IDIOT leftist reception staff sit around in the clinics talking utter bollox to one another when they are not doing their virtue signalling to appear human.

A Member of Parliament found out and started swearing over it and become involved.

In 2017 I diagnosed myself and then had a Doctor lie to my face that there is nothing in the NHS to cater for Fibromyalgia. The Fibromyalgia Association UK were shocked that they told me this and gave me a list. After diagnosing myself, do not forget. They then lied and said I threatened them and they did this twice so as not to have to deal with me.

Apparently in modern day fascism you are not supposed to get angry with those that lie to you, treat you like shit and leave you with one of the worst conditions on Earth.

Often think I wish I had cancer as at least I would be given ACTUAL DRUGS to deal with the pain and it wont be long before it is over.

This just goes on and on and on and with every fucking public authority and evil, lying, fascist wanker working for them stabbing you with knives while you try to survive while surround by people that have their heads up their own arses.

While social media giants are all over your ass, using you as a slave to make billions after luring you to work for them before they then start censoring you because you might hurt someone's feelings somewhere or vote for someone they do not approve of.

While I had to listen to the brain-dead seals standing outside clapping or banging pots and pans to thank the NHS which I do not know is just total and utter fucking blindness of they have heard stories and thought if they went outside and worshipped the New Gods that this wont happen to them if their health fails?

The absolute best one?

Everyone else forgets that I have a fucking memory problem.

All I have ever done is be as honest, genuine and factual as I can but it seems I .. WE .. have been screwed by bother sides. One for politics because they are hateful bigots and hate us but prefer animals over us, the other for money.

No way out and have learned that you just have no one you can turn to and these charities and help agencies are just a cesspool of fascists that fool the public into thinking they do things so they will have over their money.

But shit scared the wider public will discover they too are full or bigoted fascists pushing for power for their own evil desires.

Thursday 19 November 2020


It has been really annoying for me .. I have spent a long time helping others and they are either too stupid to spread this blog around because I am not saying the right thing or the Puppeteers have done a very good job.

Friends and my daughter have just been shocked at the way things have gone and at first the numbers shoot up faster than you can imagine, then go backwards and often reverse and then slow to a crawl which does not do it justice.

Oddly rows have broken out on both GAB and Parler that something is going on and just maybe it is because my posts are having issues uploading and being spread.

The video below vanished from BitChute. BitChute. Set up because of censorship going on elsewhere and recently attacked by Twitter and flagged as untrustworthy.

Bullshit and lies from Twitter as I have been on it for years as has .. 

  • Sargon Of Akkad

  • Tim Pool

  • Styxhexenhammer

  • Candace Owens

  • Laura Loomer

You tell people. Theyu do not accept it on face value.

Time and time again they insist it is not true based on a whim, even a friends girlfriend has done this and are not aware of 'due diligence'.

Maybe people do not spread things because its not the reasons they want to hear that things are happening?

I only ever promised the truth and that if I state that something will happen or something is going on I will be right 90% or more of the time.

I have a rule .. that I am NEVER 100% convinced of something. It is just my way.

I thought it better that I predict things and have people realise I get all this right and that, in time, people would place trust in what I said.

Now to be fair many have done this but not anywhere near enough.

Well either that or the censorship witch-finder generals have been into every social media platform and fooked things up?

Below is a video and it is one of the scariest things anyone will see. No word of a lie and the Romanian talking about it has an Uncle he was told died of Covid-19 and an Aunt that has lost a job because of Covid-19 while he watches politicians getting haircuts when the hairdressers are all supposed to be closed.

A while ago and oddly I was worried that the EU Army they denied was being planned or created might be intended to control the domestics rather than protect them.

The only other possibilities is during a global cooling which could be rapid that they might think the Russians, not being able to grow their own food due to non-existent growing seasons, might march into Europe.

Nazi Germany actually taking place in Germany against an activist against lock-downs who looks very, very scared occurring while he live streamed.

This was literally draw dropping scary and if I am honest I have been expecting this to occur with me.


Well that video got deleted within minutes!

Now I literally flipped out on social media had a go at everyone on every platform .. because they all want their theories to be true, the confirmation bias reality and both side live in their bubbles, did not react fast enough and I rippe dinto them and said if you do not get out of yur whining fucking bubbles, pull your thumbs out of your asses Grorge Soros and The Great Reset is going to be all over you.

All for the sake of clicking a God damned button!

I am disabled, deal with pain and horror daily and have done far more than anyone else and single handed and this means ANYONE ELSE.

But people all look to their fucking deities and its so annoying, like watching robots just continually walking into a wall.

These people are not hanging around. I reapeat, these people are not hanging around. You cannot sit their in your bubble looking for the things you want to be true because these people will kick your ass.

So I have informed everyone they need to pull their thumbs out of their asses, look at what is provided and for the love of God share the fucking evidence someone has worked nine years to get and post about to help you out.

I have suffered and risked as well as LOST a great deal. The LEAST people can do is read and click a button instead of just sitting there bitching into the wind.

HERE is the video as it turned out that on Minds I am followed by a nice Austrian lady and she shot off and found it.

I looked everywhere for this and it was nowhere to be found and YouTube was refusing to show me anything at all.

“Yeah I havbe not got around to looking at the video yet” I have heard so many times and then the video is gone.

Yeah sorry these fascists are really going to just sit there waiting for you to actually make time to look to see how your fucking life is going to be screwed over.


Remember this video was removed from BitChute an alternative to YouTube designed to not have any censorship and I cannot wait to hear why this video was removed.

Every platform I have has played up ever since the words 'election fraud' were uttered.

Wednesday 18 November 2020


Well I came across something interesting.

Now I have stated for awhile now that you was never going to see anything big in the way of cheating and that all of the cheating is down to many different things.

A little here and a little there.

The idea being that most would go and detected and those that are? 'Not enough to have altered anything'.

Heard that lately?

My concern was that they would pull this off so I spent a couple of years scaring the living bejesus out of them because despite the socialists losing badly in the UK they were absolutely convinced and telling everyone ..

1 Trump was going to lose

2 Change and Socialism was coming to everyone everywhere 

This was telling.

I had two options with this ..

1 Decide they were utterly insane

2 Treat it as if they were privy to some plan

I get attacked for being a conspiracy theorist all the time. Well the fact of the matter is unless sou agree with the communist socialists you get called this. Its a defence, bullying and deflection tactic,

Outside their bubble and in reality you have the choice to either ignore the possibilities, which would make you naïve. Or prepare for the possibilities.

I started telling people 5 years ago that Google and YouTube were cheating on numbers, had lied to me and effectively turned me and millions of others into slaves. I was called mad by everyone.

Five years on and almost everyone realises it bar two naïve people. One a girlfriend of a friend who even himself now realises.

Many idiots annoy me .. they watch fake news and make their decisions whether there is fake news based on what fake news tells them.

Are you frikkin' kidding me?!

Today others now realise all these has been allowed because morons who think themselves smart make decisions on things that's hurting the country or the world based on a whim.

They do not do their research.

Many now talk about this on platforms like Twitter, Parler and others.

I sent someone a couple of videos I have included at the end I simply said

Watch these videos, then show her and the fake news and evidence debate will be at an end”

Of course it stands to reason that there have been many little plans that have gone on for many years designed to go unnoticed. In the early days with many years before the New World Order plan was revealed as The Great Reset plan had to be enforced.

I know it was coming and you can see going back years on my blog since the financial crash the figures, money and things stated did not add up. Something was not right.

Things should have collapsed. They did not. No one seemed to notice.

The other things that these evil people played upon were ..




Maybe they knew deep down most were amoral and selfish?

But I always found it odd that these people doing this are the ones we put up, supposed to work for us but have acted like entitled brats who did nothing but gamble for years and fuck it all up and get us into the mess we are in.

And then they thought the best idea was to lie to the masses o0f the world for years on end and then try to anger and divide us.

Well why actually get your hands dirty if you wanted to depopulate the planet when you can get the people to do this themselves and/or nature?

Claims like these a decade or more ago would have seems insane and had anyone put this to me . Well I would have to say 20 years ago I would have thought them insane.

But over time I kept seeing and hearing things that were weird. After 2007 it started to build up a bit faster. After 2014 it built up faster still and in the last couple years went into overdrive.

Look around the world at the trouble in countries, among the people, with animals and with Earth science events that are linked to a historically inactive Sun.

Cray times affecting the world need an equally crazy theory that affects the world equally.

There are very few of those on the list.

What also annoys me to no end is the people that gambled on this shit and made it worse and then thought it prudent to lie about it while taking your money while they made plans that would only ever served themselves.

Now then lets get into the meat and potatoes of this ..

Right after the election and with mass videos of irregularities and illegal, yeah .. illegal, things going on in the presidential elections I was somewhat surprised to see EVERYONE fire off immediately .. 'there is no evidence'.


Wait .. WHAT?!

Their are countless rumours and reports coming in before they have even finished counting and a bunch of lying fake news outlets that do not do any on the grounds journalism any more all suddenly knew what was happening when the early reports were coming in and says before anyone said anything about 'investigations'?

I roared with laughter and realised this was a knee-jerk reaction and they obviously knew .. or at least the people writing the scripts for them knew. Wherever they was coming from?

I have not overly concerned myself as to who is behind this or who writes these scripts and I likely will not be able to uncover this. But the top candidate is George Soros.

But anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know you can not do this with one big plan as they tend to get exposed rather easily.

You need lots and lots of little ones. In ..

  • Politics

  • News Media

  • Social Media

  • Entertainment

Now there are a couple of problems I have with capitalism but only in its current form and one of those is that you have allowed someone like George Soros to become so powerful who can ruin millions of lives.

Apparently he was supposed to have said when asked about it that he 'knows that lives get turned up down when he meddles but I find it just so much fun'.

Have you tried the software titles of Sim City and Civilization?

Or did you just get bored with games like that and wanted to move up to the real thing?

Now right after I went t bed with Trump roaring away on his train I woke up to hear that Biden had far outpaced him on his boat. Now at first I thought I was still asleep and dreaming.

Yeah but I wasn't.

And I knew that those allegations would come flooding in. I know the way number behave and hey do not behave like I was hearing. I knew that give it a day or two everyone would know except for the hard-left. Because with fascists they spend years insisting there is evidence when there is none but will now insist there is no evidence when its enough to sink the Titanic.

This is the scary part and I simply cannot have anything to do with socialists, fascists and anyone that dishonest and nasty. Sorry. I swore I would stop you by highlighting this as much as I can and getting it as far and wide as I can. Unfortunately despite the high praise I just never got far enough.

Well thus far.

This is about censorship and you need a lot of help to get around the slave drivers pretending to be about the people, lives and animals. They are not and they demonstrate this repeatedly.

So it was like a day after the election I saw someone on the Australian version of Sky News about the election 'result' and gave it a listen only to hear this prat .. talking up Joe Biden and claiming here is no evidence. Well how the FUCK would you know this you utter idiot? Its been 48 hours, come back in TWO WEEKS!

When I looked down it was being disliked to hell and back. Like over ten to one.

I then looked at the Biden speech and that was the same.

Anything to do with Biden winning I looked at was very much disliked and I took a couple of screenshots and posted this at leftists who claimed the whole world was happy to see him gone and were celebrating. “Umm .. now I do not think so!”

So I was talking about this and then had an idea and told others I was going to go around the worlds and look at the dislike ratios to see if a pattern emerges and off I went.

Yeaaaaah .. about that?

They were gone!!

No. Listen to me .. they were GONE!

Did searches and all YouTube would allow me to look at was the usual suspects which only have morons and hard-left watch them. The big names on both sides of the pond. Curiously the numbers of likes and dislikes were not very much and always went in the hard-left's favour.

I did find one that was split 50/50 with 20,000 clicks.

What I also found is that when I tried to do a location search YouTube told me there weren't any so that's no videos from anywhere in the world about Joe Biden winning? With the hard-left telling everyone the whole world was celebrating? Yeah right.

So I was a bit .. creative with my searched and found some but still the numbers did not make sense.

How was it that within 24 hours or so everything was being disliked and that at the last minute and just like Joe Biden's magical surges that only went in his favour, like the software glitches, homeless, dead people, zombies, twins to quintuplets, zombies and dogs that voted?

Yeah the alarm bells were ringing like Big Ben and then some.

So I then decided to find the one I had originally seen so I searched 'Sky News Australia Joe Biden Speech' and guess what happened?

I got videos from all around the world with like/dislike rations mainly in Biden's favour including Sky News in the UK but the actual Sky News Australia ones failed to appear.

They are burying even the news giants that do not say what they want people to hear.

Now oddly I had noticed a change in YouTube a few months ago and I should have foreseen that this was something to do with the upcoming election. Failed again.

The lots of little things, you see.

Everyone now that looks sees the ratios and thinks that the majority thinks like this and this alters their opinions as they want to fit in with the crowd.

A non-existent crows fabricated by those that control the media. Yes the hard-left would scream 'conspiracy theory' over this one where I will only and up posting this ..

“He who control the media controls the minds of the public” - Noam Chomsky

Now I like using quotes against them from famous people and scientists and this is something the hard-left do not do. Only the rare occasion and I would utterly destroy them so now they do not bother.

Feynman, Dyson, Doyle and others are all used.

Noam Chomsky just happens to be a Marxist lecturer and seen as a deity by the left .. except not only have they ignored even him they have also attacked him. Did their cancel culture on him or something or the other.

You can also look up the Jacobean who are socialists and they have done articles about this fringe group of nutters.

Well at least I am sure this is what they want everyone to think.

Because I am convinced these are either CCP or Democrats that are not socialist and only out to destroy socialism so that Joe Biden can kick them out?

The only other option is that they are CCP and doing this to help Joe Biden get in so they can bring in socialism because the shit is going to hit the fan with GSM and due to the powerful that think they are God's gift, we owe China too much money?

Turning us into a socialist country effectively turns the nation into slaves, no you are not all going to be driving around in free Ferraris. If your forced into underpaid work then you can be used by those that created this mess to pay of the debts they built up.

Plus the bonus is they get to stay in power and morons on the left get to help the do it. Win-win!

Now then there is likely to one at least one if not two blow-outs over the next five years that have the potential to change the world of many people.

My advice would be this ..

'After the dust has settled and the bodies stopped falling, be wary of anyone that emerges out of the ashes wanting to be leader or leaders and miraculously bearing gifts'

If someone suddenly emerges and has food, medicine, an underground city .. boat yadda yadda yadda .. ask yourself this .. how did they get them and WHY?!

Well if this was or indeed is their plan I think I just flocked it?!

This plan for The Great Reset was created by people as dumb as fuck who thought that they could lie to the people for years, created the mess in the first instance, think everyone in stheir ersonal playthings, servants and slaves and then step up and say .. 'yeah we are in charge now and y'all do as you are told'.

I think not.

Personally I would rather die. While fighting.

Now then here are all the screen-shots I took during my search for those news pieces on Sky News Australia, You will note that its all fake news and the others like OAN and Newsmax just did not come up at all.

A few videos and then the screen-shots at the end.

Barack Obama apparently said that the Internet is the biggest threat to free democracy Being able to say more and what you say go further is .. threatening free speech?

Think about this for a moment .. the party that the majority of the world knows has been up to no good, started wars, caused deaths, linked to paedophilia and now cheating in an election thinks that you should be censored. Who benefits form this? You?

If you think that you do and even if your on the hard-left then you are a fool. You are being manipulated and used. And I am centre-left despite the hard-left wanting to label anyone that gets in their way 'far-right'.

If you decide that free speech should be limited then where exactly where you draw the line? When it affects you personally?

And what if you realise that when it does it has gone too far down the line for anyone to be able to stop without a civil war?

Now then what I noticed when things were first coming up in the first day or two before they changed it at some point ..


During my time battling the hard-left who I now tell others and they agree are not actually hard-left and are shills for some group.

I have also discovered that they use and abuse something called the 'Philosophy of Science' about a year back. One, before disappearing thinking he was the smartest on a very large thread, mentioned Karl Popper which was ironic because these people were insisting science be decided by a leftist committee when Popper was the one that came up with the scientific method.

Now then .. I have always stated that I would likely have linked a lot more than I have already had I ..

1. Gone on Twitter a couple of years earlier
2. Not had scientific data somehow not pop up on my radar for a whole decade
3. Not spent the last 23 months arguing with lying, manipulating top level Antifa on a couple of very large couple of threads on Twitter

I would have around 50,000 to 100,000 followers had I not done this.

I would have a lot more blog posts had I not done this.

But what I did do in looking to prove my case every time with links, as well as destroying their arguments and links with science, is uncover a few things.

Last night I did this again after finding it peculiar that this who hard-left, Antifa, shill push was very heavily reliant on cherry-picking from Karl Popper and the Philosophy of Science.

Now then the Puppeteer in all this, is often alleged to be George Soros and the fact that the evidence is monumental and you are banned from mentioning him even on Fox News now seems to make him look like the one.

So would it surprise you to discover that he knew of Karl Popper and lauded him? Even this 'Open Society' is mentioned.

It should be noted that I pass by the London School of Economics in my travels and I spotted a picture of Karl Popper among others nearby.

I stopped and looked and it was weird because the LSE made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I thought about what they teach and what has occurred the last decade or so.