Thursday 19 November 2020


It has been really annoying for me .. I have spent a long time helping others and they are either too stupid to spread this blog around because I am not saying the right thing or the Puppeteers have done a very good job.

Friends and my daughter have just been shocked at the way things have gone and at first the numbers shoot up faster than you can imagine, then go backwards and often reverse and then slow to a crawl which does not do it justice.

Oddly rows have broken out on both GAB and Parler that something is going on and just maybe it is because my posts are having issues uploading and being spread.

The video below vanished from BitChute. BitChute. Set up because of censorship going on elsewhere and recently attacked by Twitter and flagged as untrustworthy.

Bullshit and lies from Twitter as I have been on it for years as has .. 

  • Sargon Of Akkad

  • Tim Pool

  • Styxhexenhammer

  • Candace Owens

  • Laura Loomer

You tell people. Theyu do not accept it on face value.

Time and time again they insist it is not true based on a whim, even a friends girlfriend has done this and are not aware of 'due diligence'.

Maybe people do not spread things because its not the reasons they want to hear that things are happening?

I only ever promised the truth and that if I state that something will happen or something is going on I will be right 90% or more of the time.

I have a rule .. that I am NEVER 100% convinced of something. It is just my way.

I thought it better that I predict things and have people realise I get all this right and that, in time, people would place trust in what I said.

Now to be fair many have done this but not anywhere near enough.

Well either that or the censorship witch-finder generals have been into every social media platform and fooked things up?

Below is a video and it is one of the scariest things anyone will see. No word of a lie and the Romanian talking about it has an Uncle he was told died of Covid-19 and an Aunt that has lost a job because of Covid-19 while he watches politicians getting haircuts when the hairdressers are all supposed to be closed.

A while ago and oddly I was worried that the EU Army they denied was being planned or created might be intended to control the domestics rather than protect them.

The only other possibilities is during a global cooling which could be rapid that they might think the Russians, not being able to grow their own food due to non-existent growing seasons, might march into Europe.

Nazi Germany actually taking place in Germany against an activist against lock-downs who looks very, very scared occurring while he live streamed.

This was literally draw dropping scary and if I am honest I have been expecting this to occur with me.


Well that video got deleted within minutes!

Now I literally flipped out on social media had a go at everyone on every platform .. because they all want their theories to be true, the confirmation bias reality and both side live in their bubbles, did not react fast enough and I rippe dinto them and said if you do not get out of yur whining fucking bubbles, pull your thumbs out of your asses Grorge Soros and The Great Reset is going to be all over you.

All for the sake of clicking a God damned button!

I am disabled, deal with pain and horror daily and have done far more than anyone else and single handed and this means ANYONE ELSE.

But people all look to their fucking deities and its so annoying, like watching robots just continually walking into a wall.

These people are not hanging around. I reapeat, these people are not hanging around. You cannot sit their in your bubble looking for the things you want to be true because these people will kick your ass.

So I have informed everyone they need to pull their thumbs out of their asses, look at what is provided and for the love of God share the fucking evidence someone has worked nine years to get and post about to help you out.

I have suffered and risked as well as LOST a great deal. The LEAST people can do is read and click a button instead of just sitting there bitching into the wind.

HERE is the video as it turned out that on Minds I am followed by a nice Austrian lady and she shot off and found it.

I looked everywhere for this and it was nowhere to be found and YouTube was refusing to show me anything at all.

“Yeah I havbe not got around to looking at the video yet” I have heard so many times and then the video is gone.

Yeah sorry these fascists are really going to just sit there waiting for you to actually make time to look to see how your fucking life is going to be screwed over.


Remember this video was removed from BitChute an alternative to YouTube designed to not have any censorship and I cannot wait to hear why this video was removed.

Every platform I have has played up ever since the words 'election fraud' were uttered.

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