Thursday 16 January 2014


I am so annoyed that I just did not see this one coming!

How do you get away with treating hundreds of thousands of sick,  ill and poor people like crap while getting away with it?!

Easy you do it all using stealth, how very American,  then just when you have left enough people bent over with sore rear quarters you offer then a sweetie!!

Blimey, is this sounding like evidence being declared in Operation Yewtree or what?!

Just when it is about to be found out you go and tell all those sterling that your upping the minimum wage so that they are so relieved that they and their immediate family will now be better off that they think the sun shines out of the arse of George Osborne while forgetting theirs has STILL sore while many others,  like disabled, mental health suffers and jobless are still getting a bloody good pounding!!

Nice people, very nice?!

It is times like this I picture them all as Satanic dressed in large black cloaks sacrificing a virgin in a dingey dark dungeon somewhere while news reports are all in their classrooms as children with pointy hats on with a capital letter 'D' adorning each and every hat?!

They obviously think they can count on the British public to be thick, naive and as amoral as they are. Oddly enough if they are correct in their thing they will obviously get voted in with a humongous majority at the next general election?!


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