Thursday 16 January 2014


After looking for an email address to do with applying for the fourth time or more for a freedom pass I see the email of the Deputy Mayor of Enfield and Councillor at the London Borough of Enfield.

I had tried everyone else but never thought of the Mayor's Office so thought I would give it a go.

I had forgotten about this in all honesty and the response was somewhere underwhelming,  so I thought I would give it one more go?!


Right first up is the email reply I received and followed by my response whereby I ALWAYS have to join the dots up for them which is extremely tiring. Lol!

Deputy Mayor Ingrid Cranfield's email reply...

RE: Corruption, Freedom Passes and Council Taxes‏

Cllr Ingrid Cranfield ( to contacts 13/01/2014
To: Martin Haswell
Picture of Cllr Ingrid Cranfield
Dear Mr Haswell

I am not quite sure what the essence of your main complaint is; nor do I need to know, as being Deputy Mayor does not give me any insights or authority over officers, all of whom are qualified to deal with it, as I am not.

I suggest, with respect to the freedom pass, that you visit the following site:, which will enable you to determine which kind of pass you need and how to apply for it

(Have to noticed how dumb it is assumed a member of the public is?! - Martin)

Yours sincerely

Ingrid Cranfield


Dear Ingrid Cranfield

Well I thought my email was pretty self explanatory really,  I have evidence if rife corruption and as councillor within said council I was interested in your response.

A little overwhelming I might add.

So I now find myself having to ask what you role is.

Please be aware that this is in now way a finished process and is still ongoing. Indeed just today I responded to a bunch of lies I had been waiting for by a third GP Surgery within Enfield. Also from NHS England and can now show several times over that government,  politicians and bureaucrats have been committing crimes not only against the British People but likely have caused more deaths than those they have saved by quite some margin.

Just today I issued a nine page report issuing both what I did,  what evidence I have and how I have been and an currently publishing this and feeding various media outlets with it along with the fact that hospital test results at Chase Farm Hospital have been altered and fabricated.

This is so that disabled people can be treated extremely badly so that local councils,  the DWP and the NHS can save money while people stocked with the midst awful illness can be left for dead or in limbo.

I have been at this for several years now and have been punishing it for the last 18 months.

I have git everyone else doing absolutely nothing while explaining that I possess evidence and I saw your name in the website and it never occurred to me as to connecting anyone to do with a Mayor's office to see what they would do.

It matters not but the GP Surgery owner to A Berne thy House right across the street from the Council tried to set me up after lying to me about several things. She,  Tracey Jenkins will be in possession of an extremely cut down version which is STILL a nine page report of what I have been doing and what I now have.

Thus had been through NHS England,  the General Meditation Council and now the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman who I expect to do exactly the same thing everyone else has done,  nothing without realising that each one gives themselves away as to being ate off the corruption but actually not caring and issuing replies that show confusion and informing that this is not a concern of theirs. Or some other such excuses.

I am very good at what I got which many are now finding out about and have been the last few months.

Several have intended to take me to court and lost,  many pulling out after discovering the mountain of evidence I have.

What I possess is 70GB of over Paris people either abusing their position at the cost to the general public or turning a blind eye to it while giving themselves away to me that they are well aware of it.

Thus this is bit only RIFE within Enfield but the entire UK as a whole.

Or as I am an Enfield resident I thought that just MAYBE the Mayor's office might like to know.

It really matters boot to me but I do like to provide people with a fighting chance,  though I have left each public office with very little chance admittedly.

I simply acted with no pay a long time of with the intention of completely cutting at the evil and corruption out British Politics as well as public services and several private companies asking the way and reveal this evidence to the world.

This was done via showing correspondences and secretly recording everyone and every meeting,  appointment and test I ever had.

Hopefully I have made myself crystal clear and you now realise it is a lot more serious than just needing a freedom pass application form?

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc

Subject: RE: Corruption, Freedom Passes and Council Taxes
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:07:32 +0000

Dear Mr Haswell

I am not quite sure what the essence of your main complaint is; nor do I need to know, as being Deputy Mayor does not give me any insights or authority over officers, all of whom are qualified to deal with it, as I am not.

I suggest, with respect to the freedom pass, that you visit the following site:, which will enable you to determine which kind of pass you need and how to apply for it


Ingrid Cranfield

(Have to noticed how dumb it is assumed a member of the public is?! - Martin)
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Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities. Opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the London Borough of Enfield.


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