Thursday 16 January 2014


Well this one had been running and running and now appears as if it is not going to stop.

Kieran Smith I would just keep quiet if I were you. It is amusing how someone sets something up and then wants to lie through their teeth. When they get caught out and they airways do, if but of course your smarter than all before you who got caught, then they look very bad.

What the truth is I know not but I know where my money is. Even a tabloid that normally had a go at benefit claimants declared in a report that Channel 4 bosses set everyone up and plied then with drink and fags.

So the lady who stated it was a fair reflection needs to go back to school! Oh wait? She is ALREADY at school as she is a teacher?! Should be ashamed of herself!

I would not want a child of mine being taught by a woman who thinks that a while street of claimants drinking free beer and smoking free cigarettes is a fair reflection and she obviously despises people like that.

For her to be correct in her opinion Father Christmas obviously usually visits that street when Channel 4 is not giving out free beer and cigarettes?! After all that if the only way that the show represents a fair reflection on that street, James Turner Street was it?

She obviously had not a bloody clue how much beer and cigarettes cost?! So my God I hope she us not reaching mathematics?!


Workers 'cut' from C4 benefits show

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