Thursday 16 January 2014


Well at long bloody last someone finally sees what I have been getting at?!

I do not care how they know as long as they bloody will do. It is such a relief to see this in the media and on a BBC News app report too!

Now finally someone will stay putting the pieces together and on a stage, our medium if you prefer, that well reach many people.

This is my primary gripe with TV and tabloids and the fact that the owners can have political leanings. Once you have this you have lies and misleading articles.

This its both dangerous as will as immoral as you will pick and choose what you will show. Our in another words what the public sees on a wide scale. This is wrong!

I sent off my four DVDs to all the big names because I knew not what their political beliefs were. Since then a number if things have been noted...

1) In three years not one has ever spoken to me

2) Several dozen of my story subjects have appeared in the media

3) No on has ever admitted to who pointed them in the right direction

4) Think about what three possible alternatives are as I cannot think of any, lol

At the end of the day it is the same old story everywhere.

People capitalising and being financially rewarded on the ideas, endeavours, failings and illnesses of others less fortunate. To the point whereby there is not even an acknowledgment.

Yet we watch movies and shows all the time and see actions like this by the bad guy in the story. We root for the good got and honest guy, do we not?

Well for sometime now I have thought that people do this in the cinema so that they do not feel quite so bad because in the real world they do not do this?!

A little make believe that they are honest and upstanding helps them deal with the fact that REALLY they are NOT this way inclined?!

How very sad that would be if that turned out to be the case?

Wealth gap 'seen as biggest risk'

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