Thursday 16 January 2014


Well it states on this BBC report that 20% of NHS work us of no benefit to patients.

Now consider what I have been stating for a few moments...

I stated that an ultrasound test result was lied about and falsified. Instead if being concerned of the horrific possibility that the surgery could be held responsible for many deaths, or even the possibility that they have compassion and that they are actually horrified that this could cause the death out a patient our has done previously...

My GP surgery, along with the General Medical Council decided NOT to investigate this despite the fact I have the evidence.

You see if you're going to lie and be corrupt then AT LEAST BE GOOD AT IT and present me with fine challenge.

Well I say 'some' challenge but sitting around waiting for still these public services to actually do nothing and issue a letter to day they did SOMETHING is itself something of a challenge.

I think I would rather climb Mount Everest than to ever do this again and I mean that quite literally. Besides there will be plenty of wildlife for me to discover and photograph too, lol.

20% of NHS work 'does no good'

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