Thursday 9 January 2014


Well I do like to keep things on here as close to when I do them as I possibly can though sometimes there may be as much as 48 hours difference.

I also like to give any visitors who have been victims of varies public services a bit of a laugh. Sometimes this larger can come by way of my correspondence with these inhuman twats but in a very serious, stern and matter of fact approach containing things that will first shock them cause laughter when realisation sets in that I am off course extremely serious.

On this occasion this one will appeal to anyone who does or has claimed benefits and realised what these people really are, no not reptiles Lol. This one will especially appeal to disabled people everywhere, except maybe done if this not running into trouble and keeping their heads down, lol.

My email to the Disability and Carers Department...

Further to my recent email, which you answered with a letter with the wrong phone number and as per usual the Jobcentre were also wrong too, I have yet to she you one more thing.

This is because I am owed 13 years of Disability Living Allowance and the PIP people told me you were a separate department. So would obviously be wrong to send this to a department whereby all the people are different and none familiar with what preceded between yourselves and I.

This is a very serious situation I have been working on for many years now. I shall now explain everything, well almost everything, in great detail. By the end it will be obvious which I know to be fact, what I note of the corruption between the NHS and yourselves and how I went about gathering evidence straight from the hides mouths you might say. Now I strongly suggest you pay close attention...

I am writing this email with the intent of sending it to an organisation that is paid a vast amount of taxpayers money to help and protect vulnerable people.

This had not been occurring for a very long time.

Several years ago I was aware I was being fobbed off, lied to and tricked to deliberately not tell me of a diagnosis I suspected was already well known. I was also suspect as regards to Ombudsman and governing bodies. I intended that I would put a so to this even if it took me several years. I had to have a plan.

In a short space if time and with a huge amount of effort along with some cunning, genus and clever on that spot thinking I used up every avenue and every resource known to British Citizens and thereafter putting the ENTIRE SYSTEM to the test.

I knew many were corrupt and I guessed by way of deduction that most others were also corrupt and liars and not only had thus continued so that vulnerable petiole were left in limbo with lives of pain and misery they received no help to achieve their own careers or dreams. What made this intolerable was the fact that staff members if these public services were highly rewarded via way of salaries and perks.

When I approached each public service authority or organisation in turn I also became very harsh when they inevitibly refused me but this was exactly what I expected. In all honesty it was exactly what I wanted if I was to prove my theory correct to the rest of the United Kingdom and even the wider world. I also planned to record every single visit, meeting, appointment and phone recording with every single person at every organisation I came into contact with. I also had one single intention in common with each and every one.

To do battle in court before judges, in fact many courts and many judges.

This was for the simple fact that these terrible crimes against the British people were somehow being allowed to be carried out that were far worse than the crimes the individuals were being punished for. Therefore this also appeared highly suspicious for yet another industry that I had no proof of whatsoever..,

.,, Judges and the Courts!

So in every case and every aspect I fully challenged and manipulated things do that I would be taken to court. So far one has and looks certain to have list and I have had a letter of apology. One is up in the air currently and looks as if they may pull out of legal action at the eleventh hour. Another had already pulled out if their threat if forced legal action aware that I will not only win against them but will and can now do this to a very wide audience.

As for this 'audience' thus had only been building for only 17 months and had attracted in the region of 100,000 visitors, without bothering to look, and rises by several thousand each week and this number itself rises over time. Before long this will tech over 10,000 per week. But as I am being blogged about more and mitre often I now see this being only a few months away.

Many public office far bigger than yours, including the Police, now of this public site among others and no one is able to do anything about it.

Now to the point.

I now KNOW what my disability is and thus was not diagnosed by any medical professional, but soon will be, but by me. In fact just as I suspected the dozens of Doctors and specialists I have seen have all been wring and I was proved correct!

Indeed my discoveries proved that many Doctors lied to me and I have this recorded on several occasions by different Doctors and specialists of very many different departments, GP Surgeries and across five hospitals and those included are just the one of the last couple of years. I suspected that someone had conspired to stop the NHS from doing many things and this was avoiding diagnosis at all costs. Only when I diagnosed myself wrongly, it turned out, with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease there was a sudden change in the various Doctors I met. Some very bizarre statements were made, tests were falsified, my medical records were altered and bare faced lies were told to me that I challenged the doctor in question about to the point that it was admitted. All this while I was secretly recording them.

It gets better still. A shift took place in the behaviour and attitude of Doctors and without them knowing I had stumbled across my REAL condition I started to get prescription drugs that for the first time in thirteen years actually worked?! Funny that.

I also am aware that despite me starting to request help thirteen years ago because it became too much to deal with I had been suffering from it a great deal longer and several symptoms of the condition I had previously approached GPs about long before thirteen years ago.

It gets better still as I was wrongly diagnosed with Plantar fasciitis which I told them from day ONE I did not have. I argued with Doctor after Doctor on this point. I was told that Plantar fasciitis can last 6 months to a few years but extremely rarely it has lasted ten years! I passed the ten year period three years ago and yet no one stopped to all why. I have a dozen areas of pain and was told it was not possible for these to be linked. Your own Doctors sitting on so called independent tribunals also lied.

However I was aware of one thing you were all not aware of though I did indeed warn you all. I knew I was right and eventually I would prove it. I also one that my discoveries would completely destroy the DWP'S very wrong and immoral attitude to desk with one thing at a time. I knew there was a conspiracy when Doctors starting saying the same lines as the DWP and so did Local Councils. I do not only have a dozen areas of pain.

I have in the region of 120, that is one hundred and twenty, and they are ALL attributed to one SINGLE SOLITARY CONDITION!!

A condition that is widely listed and accepted to be one of the worst disabilities in the world while still possessing all your limbs.

It is widely accepted that it is the most expensive condition for sufferers to deal with meaning sufferers need mitre than those suffering with nigh on most other conditions.

This condition is paid a regular payment for via health insurance companies, even in AMERICA!!

Despite some very serious other things that the public services of this country has let me down with nearly causing the death of four young kids, just my own life alone had been completely screwed up for the best part of twenty years and in the most horrific ways humanity possible.

This involved...

Being in terrible pain.

Breakdown of relationships due to people believing the authorities they thought could not possibly behave in this way.

Left homeless several times.

Had several nervous breakdowns attracted and bought about by my condition as a result of being fecked off by despicable public authorities.

So here we are. Over a dozen years I have approached you for help and got fecked over and left in a limbo of pain!

Well things will not continue on add they are and no amount of native morons in the news media, radio or TV will help those in the higher echelons above you will help either them or you.

If you want to go scurrying off looking at my lengthy file and everything I said previously then be my guest. If you have somehow lost this or it had been suppressed then have no fear. All my documents were kept and are available publicly as are all my recordings and videos and all online.

By the way an important thing if note. I have had a bad memory for years that had got progressively worse which I was told that was down to the pain, like the nausea I suffer with. Well no it turns out that so the Doctors that rolled their eyes because I had forgotten will east their words and look very stupid when they discover this is part if the condition and I am now well aware of this.

I have also been through for GPs since living near with some very interesting results. My previous GP kicked me off his register for language insinuating violent behaviour towards him. Thus was a lie but was caused by the General Medical Council who I had approached and if who had no idea I well aware they were corrupt too. They did just as I wanted and told the GP to use the fact I told them I would knock him out if he ever say there and some down to me as if he was the most intelligent man in the room and the most important. Because it is rude and neither is true. From that an official complaint was raised with NHS England I am still waiting on. When that come to naught I will then  approach the  Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman which I am also aware will come to naught. But as ever I will lean on them very hard while recording and monitoring them and just like everyone else before then they too will make mistakes.

As this all involved your department then I inform you in this very moment that I fully intended that during this year of 2014 to take a great many public services to court and do so to a very huge audience so that great British people see the truth behind the disco that is they way their country had been run as well as used and abused for the last ten to tent years.

So you are faced with a choice. Lose badly or lose extremely badly.

By now you should be realising this will never be over and I will never give up. You should also be realising, if not recalling what I warned you about previously, that the longer you pull your tricks the worse it will be in the end. This is because the linger that you take them the better it gets for me over time.

If you do find my blog and read all my posts and look at all the evidence I have provided you will see that this is true and inevitable.

You will also realise that all tricks used by way of the media to make claimants look like crooks will explode in your faces, of at least this of your bosses. Indeed this is why I kept what I was up to so very, very secret while arguing my point and harassing public office... sorry corrupt public offices do that I may gather together many letters and emails from them.

I will also tell you one other little detail. Some MPs are already aware of my blog and I was asked permission by a backbench MP of he could used elements of my data in the House of Commons and hand sections over to the new media. That was one year ago precisely. He and his Baroness with have used elements of it and I have seen many of my endeavours hit the headlines. Several in the same day on occasion.

So I am sending this to your department, Disability and Carers Department, which handled the Disability Living Allowance as you were the ones that made wrong decisions!

Please do not contract me using words like 'Statute' or 'Limitations' as I am a member of the public and not a Doctor and could not nor can not be expected to know way back then what I now do.

Also be advised that everything I ever told you previously can now be proved making every single action you too was NOT to help support me but to find an excuse to leave me for dead. Will I have danced around the edges of death and returned and now and in this year of 2014 I fully intent to carry out my previous promises.

This year and one way or another a series of court actions would have taken pace or they will at least be inevitable to absolutely everyone except the most mentally challenged of individuals.

I look forward to any correspondence with great interest.

Martin Haswell BSc

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