Sunday 12 January 2014


It was a surreal sort of a day today. The sky was crystal clear and a day I thought would be spent wondering if the keyboard I am now typing on would turn up, I did not but it did, was actually spent contemplating those those odd events of yesterday and an unusual conversation with a friend.

From the referral I have been waiting over a dozen years for to the call from my daughter to hear she had won her case to the admittance that in Britain doctors, journalists and politicians are shockingly trusted less so than even the Police. Distrust of the Police has famously gone on for years so journalists and doctors must have dropped very far very quickly?! That is embarrassing and surely now will have consequences for all those involved? Will they learn? Will they feck!

Quite unfortunately and several years in they have not learnt one bit and instead have carried on blaming the innocent and poor they still fail to realize may have dire consequences. You see you have been increasing the pressure the costs and added to that the frequency of your bullshit. The further it continues then the longer people are fooled. Of those still being fooled the tendency is that the longer a person is lied to the angrier and the more frustrated they will inevitably be if and when the light bathes them and and the realities start to reveal themselves.

You need to count more than just BEANS!!

Wonder if the modules at this public schools have title like BEAN COUNTIING and missing ones like Human Nature 101?!

The great Stephen Hawking once stated that

Once mankind lived like the animals
Then one day something happened that unleashed the power of our imagination...
We learned to talk - Stephen Hawking

He was both right and wrong. Yes we did learn to talk only at some point in history we unlearned to talk too.

Attitudes within the NHS among medical staff, the reasons of which matter not, is NOT to listen. Thus preventing, stagnating and cutting off the ability to talk and therefore communicate. If this was allowed over time, it most certainly will not, this would have a negative effect on language and communication. We are being taught not to communicate and I believe it was emotions linked to caring that bought speech about in the first place. So being taught not to care, except for those teaching you not to care. What will they do next and what would they do if their country was under attack? Expect you to act as a human shield for them?

The truth is worse than it first seems because even animals can shown greater emotions of care than many people seem to! a quick search on the Internet and you could find videos of animals that become maternal to different species of animals to them, some even being normally their prey items of choice! I have seen cats with kittens raise ducklings and even squirrels! I have seen Polar Bears turn up ever year to the same spot to play with Huskies!

I myself have given the option of communication to all and I have offered this for way more than a decade. When I started this blog I was intending to tell you what I had done before and how and why it failed. I also fully intended to then show this process in motion and along the way try and get some evidence to prove it and over and o8ver again if I had to.

I have done this and I continue to do this. Only now things are going to be changed up a few gears. This is now going to get interesting for a number o8f reasons. I will get4 far more inventive than I have been in recent times. To come up with a plan so well constructed that those I approach would only succeed in hanging themselves. This has kind of already been put in motion on several fronts and one hit a bit of a hiatus.

Yesterday I checked out one o8f my many email accounts which I tends to neglect of late. In my inbox among droves of other things was an email from NHS England with a surprising question...what is my postal address?!? My last GP and surgery have responded to my complaint to NHS England and yet between the two of them they do not know my address?!

So very early next week I will be getting a response to my complaint about the GP from I expect both him and the head of the surgery. This is only a small part of it and I will be able top respond to it by involving the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman. But as many of you know who have read enough that everything I do is hard to work out, for them, and often many faceted. The things I do will become more obvious over the coming  months, though I say months it is more likely to be weeks.

In any given situation there is always one correct way and several wrong ways and I use the word several very loosely. These are usually manufactured methods purely designed so that the correct way can be avoided...and avoided...and avoided. If you have been on at each one as long ads I have the number of ways they have used have become numerous which should do more than merely strongly suggest that it has all been quite deliberate. But my great many recordings will show that I am often not happy with just insinuations and suggestions. I have to keep going and provide more and more and more for as long as I can. After all I do have a bad memory and cannot keep track of everything I have said and done and that goes double for anyone I am battling with.

Now and all at the same time they will all yet again get their last chance to do the right things and make the correct decisions. As ever I am aware of all the possibilities as well as all the escape routes. The corners I am about to force each of them into will be quite uncomfortable. Well the three or four I am about to force into a corner that is and I have waited until all things are in place before doing what I am about to and am able to say with confidence that purely because they have done such terrible things what they are faced with no there simply is no way out of. To get them into this predicament would have to wait a long time. They needed to have had a long enough time, though one has already had more than enough time, to do the right thing so that in the end and publishing as I went any person could see what was really going on.

So one report arrives next week that I will respond to and put the cat most definitely among those Pigeons. A form also arrives that when returned will do exactly the same thing.

Also during next week I am going to toss the cat in there with a few local governments too and especially the ones I lived under for many years who hired the thugs that attacked me and defrauded me out of four thousand quid when I only owed four hundred quid. Oh yes there is also that matter of the INTERNAL investigation of CapQuest?! The local government will be Waltham Forest Council and oh am I going to enjoy that one?!

I may contact the attackers and defrauders too, JBW Group, but only after I have contacted the people that hgired the thugs in the first place, LBWF.

Now I only hope I can keep on top of all the correspondences that will be flying backwards and forwards between next week and likely Easter time?!  Oh yes of course I can keep track of the days and dates by putting them on this blog for your viewing pleasure. I strongly suggest that YOU take note of the PAIRS of dates for each documents too?!


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