Saturday 4 January 2014


I was somewhat confused at this one and like the last just kept ignoring it.

But them I did hear a but about how the Police will need help, yup tying their shoelaces, from mental health staff.

Well as it has now been five years since they were cut loose from all support whatsoever and now gradually being wound up while staining the streets stealing from people and shops, attacking people and killing people then YEAH the Police need help.

Of course like everything else it will all be put back to how it should have been left in the first place. But first it has to be someone rich or famous that suffers at the hands of there incompetent stupidity before it does?!

Or someone that matters in other words.

Sad but true and someone stated to be that mentally challenged and unstable people can work?! I said oh think about that would you want someone unstable with violent tendencies sitting a few feet away from you at work all day every day?!

Now think, if it was you how long do you think you would last before you were injured?

What absolutely gets me rattled is how people are just so blind to these and other things as long as they are not affected.

What I wonder is how many years before firstly those that can make a difference realise.

After all I have known a couple of bipolar people, one was a friend, and their behaviour would terrify 90% of people and I know this because they did. I had to keep telling people our neighbour was harmless. But but not all will be.

Secondly I also wonder how long before people do realise the reality and then think that those that made these decisions attend swanky dos while putting on airs and graces to go with their etiquette are not civilised people.

In other words they have rendered our society as uncivilised as they have encouraged the people to be immoral. Yet that have still these airs and graces and look down upon others as if they were mere cattle. :)

I smile when I think about this as they are completely false in reality. Walking contradictions of themselves. Showing airs and graces when the reality is write different.


I would be driven insane by someone staying things like this if it were me!

Would it not drive you nuts too?

Mental health staff to help police

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