Tuesday 14 January 2014


Ah now here we are and I am surprised because thus was EXACTLY the one of thing I had been mulling over for sometime now!

I was going to punish a post in several months time about how we return in certain human beings from cutting off from reality and running riot with household names when it comes to companies and after getting it so right then getting it so wrong and using and abusing customers asking the way.

This reminds me that I was told in a phone call that there had been some report concerning Argos and DFS selling shoddy items though I have not seen or read anything to this effect myself as yet. But I will keep an eye out and publish it on here if and when I find it.

The only fair and sensible way to get ahold on things, without going the socialists route, is to prevent companies and not just banks from getting too big.

Before any socialist fanatics without much coming sense it is a nice idea but not workable in a million years. You could show me an example of it working and the USD of course Russia... No wait a minute... Well there is China... No wait a minute... Ah well now there is North Korea?!  No I really did not thin that one through but hey these is always Cuba?

There are of course several different ways of implementing this which will make everything a great deal fairer to all and at the same time remove a great deal of stress, misery,  hatred and heartbreak from a great many of the British people. But you have to get it RIGHT!! No excuses.

Labour considers cap on bank size http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25737657

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