Wednesday 8 January 2014


Lorraine Gray has spoken like someone working for a public office should.

More of a surprise was her statement about but driving around in big cars, lol. So she obviously knows what one of the major problems with the NHS is then?!

Also what made me laugh is apparently an elderly gent did a video of himself barking off about NHS Doctors and wedded his scorn by saying "Just like the Police they get paid way, way, WAY too much money!" Lol. I think it was Police he said, no, no my bad! It was politicians or MPs?! Lol.

I would love to see more of that, lol. Very cool that he is into technology at his age aha I would love to see a lot jute Silver Surfers. Would love to see a movie based on the Marvel Comics character of Norrin Radd who is the Silver Surfer too!!


Each year since the second Fantastic Four movie I have hoped to hear of them doing a movie of him but improving him a little while improving the board a lot. It is just a board, but a surf board. You do but get to a civilisation on the other side of the galaxy and find them all surfing like Yanks, lol. Do but make the board pointy and do NOT put a bloody fin on it either, there is no AIR in space and I am sure the surfer sues not need a tiny fun because...

I digress.

Anyway, yes. Lorraine Gray if the NHS 111 phone in call centre thingy, lol. She sounds like she wants a right ship run with a focus on patients and service.

Oddly I think the NHS is...wait for it....a GOOD IDEA. Yes I know, I know! I do think that many people do waste the time because they panic over everything..This service can determine those from the more serious conditions. I just hope it furs run better than NHS Direct because they had no idea how the NHS and Hospitals were run and you would certainly expect them too.

Mine you saying that each GP surgery has rules it expects you to know. This is because they think every other GP surgery is the same, or daft receptionists do suffering from delusions of grandeur not all but enough, and are surprised when you tell them they could not be more wrong.

There have been times when I have given them the different contrasting rules done of which utterly stupid and their jaws hit the floor. The nicer receptionists that is.

NHS 111 'Must Put Patients Before Profits' -

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