Saturday 11 January 2014


Well, well, well what do we have here?

These bloody morons really are fecking stupid and I think if they now start getting attacked then they deserve everything they get.

Years of stress and pressure on everyone, disabled people treated like garbage, mother taking their own lives along with their children and all these people can think about is finding ways to grab more and more cash despite how the last four years have shown that cash is not endless and it was all pie in the sky?!

I really could not fecking believe this when I read it and it made me absolutely furious! When are these brain dead morons going to get it and grow some brain matter? Hmm maybe the brain matter first the rest just follows. Or maybe it will only take angry mobs burning a mountain of crap on their front lawn and threaten to throw them on it?!

I just do not think these people are firing on all cylinders, in which case they should not be able to ever work in the position they are in! I think it is now time that MPs grow some bloody nads and act and act very harsh. Imprisoned or fired and banned from working in the banking industry ever again. Better still only allowed to hold the position of....aww why should I have all the fun? I am sure that you can come up with some pretty funny ideas? Lmao!

Bankers 'sneaking around bonus cap'

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