Thursday 11 April 2013


Well I was angry while out in pain today and tonight I was watching a new DVD of The Goodies when I was trying to think of what I could do to counter what they have been trying to trick me into doing.

It then occurred to me that they are always TELLING YOU REPEATEDLY that if your circumstances change to tell them immediately...

...which translated means only tell us about the ones where we pay YOU LESS MONEY we do not really want to know about the ones where you are entitled to MORE!


Then I suddenly thought that, as it always does every so often, my circumstances have actually changed a couple of times since my last claim for Disability Living Allowance!!

I will also do something else to but not decided just what just yet but I thought well I will COUNTER their TRICKERY by APPLYING AGAIN for Disability Living Allowance!!

I could not apply for PIP, Personal Independent Payments, as you will see from the screenshots as I cannot do that until June 2013 apparently.

Note how their system throws up a fault and does not work in Google Chrome so I had to START AGAIN using Microsoft's Internet Explorer?!

Right then... let us put it all under another STRESS TEST while recording what happens and like I have NEVER DONE BEFORE place EVERY SINGLE SORDID DETAIL as well as ALL DETAILS I PROVIDE THEM WITH UP ON HERE?!

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