Saturday 20 April 2013


Well I passed the Path To Nowhere that I reported on previously that has no doubt had my Incapacity Benefit cancelled but more to the point my rent payments by Enfield Council cancelled as a knee jerk sour grapes reaction to what I put and said.

This is the other side of the fence I was passing on my bike today which is the 20th April 2013. As you can see this part of the path looks the same and you can see much more clearly that it is indeed... A DEAD END, LMAO!

This is by Maiden's Bridge and they was already way into starting to build this path way back in December 2012?!

They still have a way to go at the other end too. That is a cost of £35,000 just in wages so far and does not include materials, machinery, fuel and anything else needed. LMAO!

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