Friday 13 June 2014


Right now then?!

A little bit of deductive detective work to come to a conclusion.

I have just emailed both PALS and the PHSO, or Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman and more or less asked them why they handed over my blog address to my GP?!

Remember these two are also paid for by the British taxpayer in more ways than one and sit there like, blue bloods on occasion, like they have some acutomated right to be paid for doing nought?! At ten times that which those on benefits get!

Now I am not going to post up the PALS email and nor am I going to go ranting about the one time I did meet with them, probably did previously anyway, but I am the PHSO one.

Because the PHSO were quite deliberately the only ones that could have had access to both pieces of infromation and these would be my blog address, long since proved on here and my medical records which are not at Guy's and not with my current GP, who thinks 7 months for medical records and Doctor lying to patients is perfectly acceptible but the other way around they are within their rights to get out of their pramsover, but fine details of my medical hisotory have, cropped up on the letter.

Funny really I really thought that Dr Kumar Junior would decide wisely on this but no and the odd thing is that he failed to realise and likely still does that because he decided unwisely this therefore meanty I chose ...WISELY. He also never stopped to consider why the NHS never told him any of this was going on. I really expected time after time I had to go there that something would be said. But then I expected that time after time with the last GP and look how that one went?!


Choosing unwisely is not the only issue as I pointed out to him that he was doing so on very little information which meant he did not care.

Now let us say for argument sake I had a health condition that makes me behave in this way? Then they are not very good at dealing with it and just kicking patients they deem awkward? Oddly enough I got a phonecall tonight of another friend I have not seen or spoke to in awhile and she tells me that she was in hospital and that four Doctors diagnosed her as having appendicitis, yes and maybe the NHS do not but everyone knows why then then said they were hgoing to operate?

Because having appendicitis is that one single solitary thing that is a complete comntrast to what I have.

Or if they MISS appendicitis it can kill you and there are lots of cases of health professionals being sued for the deaths.

On the other hand Fibromyalgia is a nightmarish condition to suffer from and the closest you get to death is when you have had enough at its worse times and want to throw yourself off a cliff! LMAO!

So there is an example of one that they cnnot fobb off so snything even remotely like appendicitis then be oin the safe side and spend the money to save being sued. Fibromyalhia? Yeah mate, good luck getting anywhere with that as its a little known thing, far more little known than I I imagined it seemed, and nmo tests for it and despiute it making your life an absolute misery and nightware we cannot get sued, we simply CANNOT be forced to pay out money for this no matter what!

Well unells that is a patient forces an issue into where it he HE that gets taken to court?



Dear Johnathan White

AS I just stated to PALS with the same question I am going to put to you and only you and them need be asked this, it is extraordinary how organisations who are supposed to be there for the individual against these public services but which are not simply do not see the pitfalls and dangers of conintuing in this foolish pursuit while suffering delusions of grandeur.

Now as I exaplined to PALS I had an arguemtn today with my currebt GP who basically threatened me at one point, yes the Police did that but aint worth jack, and kept barking on about my breaching the trust.

However I then later presented him with a recording of the Guy's Hospital appointyment and just like the last GP he flatly refused to listen to it! "Well.." I sternly said back "..that trust works both ways!!" to no avail meaning that there is a seriously bad case of double standards now.

I also fdo not like being threatened and when epople want to harp on like they are still untouchable and say many things that will only go against them then who am I to stop them?

I have made this perfectly clear now on my last two posts and I think its safe now to rest my case.

However there is just that one question to ask you, please bare in mind that you have been suspiciously quiet since my last to emails, why did you help the GP to deal with me when your supposed to be on my side?

Two problems are no faced and I waited until the very last moment before I shot them out of both barrells.

Guy's hospital have some very detailed knowledge of my missing records that my GP not only has not received after 7 months but tries to tell me this in entrirely normal?!

Does everyone really think that patients everywhere are really that stupid and naive?! SEVEN MONTHS IS NORMAL!! I am afraid that the NHS are going to wind up in a very tiny minority of NHS member and not all of them either!

Did they really think I was going to just POST UP that recoreded audio done at Guy's Hospital straight away without giving everyone enough rope to hang themselves?

It is quite funny really because I really did not need anymore than I got but I never complain about getting more. Because the longer it goes on the more people get to read about it at once and the more people they tell and the more I get brand new visitors.

Now I am going to ask you quite HOW my GP found out that I was recrording him?

I only told two organisations about the blogs address, you and PALS!

Now I hope you realise how serious this looks as long before I have eben had anything ssaid to me about the investigation my GP gets the heads up and then asks me to turn off all recording equipment while claiming he had nothing to hide while it was on and then become all one way street guilty of double standards once he thought the recording devices were all off?

So quite HOW did he know the address because I never told him and I have proved that much already. I told him that I 'had a blog' but not what was on it nor what it was about. No Doctor would go looking for a blog based on that and neither did Dr Kumar, a shame as I did like him but then I have been here before enough times to know how it works.

Quite interested to know how Dr Kirkham ,amaged to put so much detail about my medical histoy into a letter when neither he nor my current GP had a copy?!?!

That leaves only one organisation that could possibly have access to both my medical records and my blog address, YOU!

Just a matter of pure deduction really based on the finer little details uttered by those that suffer from the delusions of grandeur suddenly placed in a crisis.

The beauty of it is that every single one has had the opportunity to do the right thing and put an end to all this, but they chose...most unwisely.

I now look forward with immense interest to what you are going to say about this?!

NHS setting you up, no doubt?! Lol!

Martin Haswell BSc

I wonder if the Ombudsman Watchmen are watching and keeping tabs on this? But then I do not know whos who anymore and the genuine and the amoral and immoral outfits are beginning to get blurred and grey. 

Still I wont have to worry about this as there is little more I can do. You see I am now bailing out of recording NHS stuff as I no longer need to.

Except I will be bailing out of the GP Surgery too. Because in that appointment he failed to see who was on trial at the time, amazingly so if I am honest. No doubt that they all think that the large curtain that is the NHS will protect them for the dark deeds they do. Because I am sorry but despite what he claims about being in the dark over this stuff the recation, facial features and body language tell a great story.

Not e very good one either!

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