Monday 16 June 2014


Wow, will toy look at that?

I have been banging in about the former government for quite while on and off and I have made it no secret that this countries problems go way back into Tony Blair's time. In fact even my very last post was on this subject and that all the Tories did was take what he started and ran like hell with it!

I do get decking furious with absolute odors that think the answer to everything is to view Labour back in because they started what the Tories are doing! The End! OK maybe not the end because some people just need to be shaken quite vigorously as they go into this warm enveloping feeling that having Labour puts everything right. The truth is neither of these parties are capable of running things in the modern world we live in. I have warned them and warned them and warned them about this and all I got were rolling eyes, looking down their noses at me and laughing it off and I would say 'well laugh, but I will be the one laughing in the end' because things are inevitable. Each of the societies that have flourished throughout the history of man thought themselves untouchable and indestructible but it's this comfort zone that ultimately spells doom in the end.

Like the American government are obsessed with war, weapons and aircraft, as much as I think some of the latter are gorgeous, the biggest threats are not from groups of people who live to band on about how they follow the one true God who seems to think the oppression of people, women and children to worse the men and killing everything else is something a Good would do? Well if they think that I would love to hear what they think the Devil would do?! Bit the biggest threat does come from the skies but not from greasy mad and angry about anything people but large rocks floating through space!

Well let's hope if one does it lands on these murderous and stupid people?!

Then of course cone the increasing frequency of earthquakes and volcanoes I cannot help but think may be leading up to Einstein's theory of crust displacement? Or continental shift it is sometimes referred to. Then there is the Magnetic Flip of the North and South Poles which will litter our orison from cosmic/gamma rays! Oh and if there is a supernova event in close proximity to the solar system in a star beyond a certain mass whereby the x-ray ejection is facing Earth when it happens.

Not they ate obsessed with stupid ideas about spilling terrorists with a load of outdated weapons only good in a war with a certain country that is never going to happen. Hmm actually the countries but which are not likely to happen and the midst likely one to provide war will get it's arse kicked, chopped off and handed back to them on a plate! North Korea I am off curse referring to.

Blair: What about his arguments?

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