Thursday 1 August 2013


I really thought that the Russians, despite not like Putin but having an admiration for the country, would cave into America?!

Thought I had not read anything since then a previous remark about Russia and US relations from the Russian Authorities did not look good for either Edward Snowden or Russia itself. This would have been catastrophic had they handed him over?!

Glad to see that they have seen the light, government and government departments have GOT to stop actions as if human life is worthless and so sure human feelings and in this situation GUILT!

After my recent run-ins with various radicals concerning my daughter and her imprisonment and running rings around the Police and feeding MI5 and GCHQ with all the audio evidence I managed to acquire I was asked by s couple of people, one a Dentist and one a Nurse both mitre intelligent than my GP, asked be the following question...

After this would you work for them if they asked you?

I thought about it for a moment before I answered...

No. My actions are based on morals and the good if the people and to protect the innocent. I DID nearly work for GCHQ ten years ago and always wondered what if?! But now I know that they could do things the right way and for the right reasons but they do not. They think they are smarter than they are, think they won't get found out and do. Also the morals behind their actions are questionable.

I cannot follow orders like a brain dead idiot and can only do harm to protect the innocent. Not MPs or rich people our done dark agenda...

...lucky for my GP that I do as the posters warning against violence would not have helped him!

If I had read he reacted like he did to someone else who then knocked out his teeth I would have reacted thus..

'Well DUHHHH!'


Well done Russia!

I want governments to remember that what makes a country is its people. If they are bring collectively DENSE over something that needs to be then tell them and teach them. Stop with the lying and cheating because if you do not the 'Arab' will be separated from the 'SPRING'?!

The country is the people as a whole even if they keep bloody voting for the sane two arseholes into government and fail to see the old ways are dead and proved beyond doubt do not work in a modern world. I don't know if anything out there does but stop digging this country into a deeper hole.

Americans need to realise that they need to be very careful over hire they are perceived with the absolute arrogance they have shown and contempt for civilians for the rest of the world?!

It had been said for awhile that their foreign policies were utter shite and the ready if the world was getting pissed off with them. Well if I was them I would be extremely worried and I mean EXTREMELY WORRIED about what will happen in the long term and that showing any arrogance among with a continuation if their actions will not be good.

I will no longer but anything that had anything to do with American from now on until they see sense.

I won't be buying any new Windows for several reasons and now that its out about the spying through hardware and software...will you can bet your life that teams if brilliant individuals were beavering away to find out everything they can and publish their findings?!

That is a read I am looking forward to and if things had been different I may have been one of the geniuses ripping the code apart?!

Not helping GCHQ and MI5 trying to stop the public trying to stop them! Ski they did was prove me right when I answered what I did to that strange question!

By the way if you look around that card with the GCHQ logo on it telling me they are interested in meeting me from 2001 is likely posted on here months ago. If not it is definitely on my blogger blog as well as being up on my Facebook account.

As for the medical shenanigans yes I have a plan to deal with that forthwith. If they have been on here and that wad my GP that left that comment, think about it I thought it was him and we ended up arguing and accusations were flung about.

1) Well all I can day is if they have NOT been on any of my blogs and try anything with me they will be finished.

2) If they have been in the blogs but not checked not only all my blogs on corruption, all my evidence AND all my other subjects took they are finished.

3) If they have checked all that I have posted and my background they would not try anything. Well IF they were intelligent that is, lol. As..

4) If they thought for one second that I had not prepared for any kinds if authors then they are very naive. If they DID try anything they might be surprised at the reaction they might get.

There were 500 people at my fathers funeral and not everyone made it!

I have a great deal of woodworms in my post that will make appearances one found out what happened to me.

Oh yes and of course there are 40,000 people who have been on here and rising faster?! My name is in the backs of their minds now as are many elements if what has happened in my life.

In cases like this you will end up with triggers either online or via the news media that will spark something off, lol. That will turn viral very rapidly.

But first off you have to disconnect me from a computer and the internet and that is very hard to do!

In case other readers have not cottoned on, I am just making any possible decision to do anything, provided that they do visit this place it will do, look very, VERY treacherous indeed.

Think of it as just warding off any possibilities of any attempts to find a reason to lock me up, lol. After all he wants to see me again in a month. Uh-uh to you're nuh-huh as Stan Smith would say, lol.

Sometimes just a few sentences stirred the right way and pointing out the facts and consequences just a very simple way of keeping me incident free, lol.

Being taken to court would need an application to the court and then the forty would issue a letter to me to state that in three months I will have to appear in court. A great deal can happen in three months and especially so on all of my blogs, lol.

Only a few sentences can achieve so much making the KEYBOARD MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD!!


US fury at Snowden's Russian asylum

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