Thursday 17 May 2018


Well .. I did suspect something a few weeks ago but thought that with my memory problems and the hectic nature that is my life that I had made a mistake. It seems I had not.

As I have stated I have a vitamin deficiency. One that I thought was complete tosh when it was first put to me but after doing as instructed turned out to be true.

For several years after I continued to buy my own bloody pills for this and take them and was mostly OK other than the odd times.

Recently I had a few issues .. well the one and only issue I thought it was causing which was pains in both thighs. I did not know about the other things it was behind until I looked up what the dangers were if I was unable to take the pills. Living on the street .. you have no money and you have no GP .. among other things. I was not aware of these things until recently.

Now I have had the painful thighs several times and I thought I must have forgotten to take the magnesium, naturally? Though at the time I seemed pretty sure I had taken them that day but as I was feeling the intense pain assumed my memory was playing games with me. One of the pitfalls of needing so many pills and having memory issues to go with it. There are a lot more issues besides, trust me on that.

But yesterday I had painful thighs once again and I was also sure once again that I had taken my pill that morning. So last night I took another one as my thighs were had been increasingly aching. Only it is till morning and my legs are aching. I have just taken another pill so that is three within twenty four hours. Oh dear.

After my recent and, to one extent, shocking HMCTS court hearing judgement I have given up on this country and all its corrupt public services from the NHS and all through the others to the PHSO and all through the other ombudsman.

I am done with utter wankers telling me how my body is, what I am capable of doing and what I do and do not deserve.

I had actually gone right off food a couple of weeks ago and after I lost about a stone I realised that there could be some benefits to going this route. The loss of weight would reduce some of my symptoms while others I simply do not know.

  • Less weight means less energy used
  • Less weight on my feet, which hurt, and my right knee
  • Also means no heartburn once below a certain weight

I am fed up with everything else too ..

  • The dreaded Anxiety
  • Phobias that seem to come and go
  • Toothaches
  • Eye irritation
  • Memory Loss
  • Right knee pain, actually playing up last two days
  • EDIT: Oh yeah the over-heating in the warmer months .. forgot about that & probably others

Then of course there is the ..

  • Boredom
  • Homelessness
  • Constant prevention or halting of doing what I enjoy, find therapeutic and counts to working for myself, with the Job Centres and DWP's previous agreement and approval

Oddly enough I tried to sort this out about the NHS some years ago .. I recorded loads of admissions, lies, falsifications of test results, admission of falsifications of test results recorded, false accusations made against me that would not stick which was first madness and then violence.

I went through the procedure that they insist everyone goes through ..

Now make no mistake .. if you rely on the NHS and suspect your being fucked over or someone that you care about is this is what your going to have to go through .. trust me they will INSIST upon it ..

  • Complain to the manager of your GP Practice
  • Once completed complain to the Primary Care Trust
  • Once complete complain the NHS England
  • Once completed complain to the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman

I did all that.

I realised at the end the PHSO was just as corrupt as everyone before it and the PHSO is the last line you can go to.

I can also tell you that the PHSO investigated for two years alone. That does not include all the time taken to go through all of the previous procedures. Just the PHSO. Two years plus. Sooo ..

  • Why is there a Statute of Limitations on legal proceedings towards the NHS?!

That Statute of Limitation is something like two or three years .. but you have just had two years wasted by the PHSO alone not to mention every other fucking avenue you had to bark your way down beforehand.

The general public are also not Doctors and not supposed to try and diagnose yourselves, fuck me the patronizing twats roll their eyes at you if you even mention the word 'Googled'!

Mention to them that you went to an alternative specialist and they love using the word 'quack'.

Funny how they never mention the words 'fobbed' or 'off' or 'liars' or 'lying twats'.

I also find it highly offensive that people hate the idea of the welfare state and yet say nothing with all these exposures of public services lying, cheating and hiding money away in far off banks. Like that one in Iceland that went down like a lead balloon a few years back.

I mean .. your perfectly OK with the taxpayers paying a huge health service who are knowingly lying about patients health which DOES cause all three of pain, suffering and DEATH?! Your fucking both mad and blind if you do.

I also find it laughable that this so-called institution which has been exposed time after time is being applauded lately.

When I first informed all of the national newspapers of what was going on along with four TV News channels six or seven years ago now with four DVDs crammed full I told them that this was going on everywhere. Certainly everywhere in England, I could not speak for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. There have been some signs recently that it is going on in Scotland and Northern Ireland though no signs yet for Wales.

Since I posted that petition against the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman more and more people have been signing it just form my posts alone. I posted it on my wall and also a few choice NHS complaints pages. I posted it on here as well as other .. sites. There have been a few people that have stated that they were clearly lied to by the PHSO and that things were obviously a cover up!

Ooh .. funny as all these people are always condescending and patronizing to the point where any fool would think that they are of some higher intelligence, or at least order, than you .. yet when they lie about names never having worked for them you would think that they would realise that they was putting their staff names in their fucking email addresses?! Yeah .. more intelligent my fucking arse!!

So they are condescending and patronizing and yet are less intelligent than your average Joe? So what does that leave? A higher form of species or order? Oh I am sure that if David Icke ever reads this he will have a field day with the former?! So that leaves .. order? A higher order? Maybe. But not fucking idiot receptionists who also behave like they are of some higher order or even that they themselves are fucking Doctors or specialists. No .. your just a pen pusher and fucking bad ones at that in my experience of over half a dozen GP surgeries and the same amount of hospitals.

Oh and .. it has not even been twenty four hours since I posted that PHSO page and someone else has turned up regarding their own experiences and guess what? They have a webpage!

In the meantime I am deliberating whether to video myself as I lose weight and do a short talk and post this onto my YouTube account and link the video into this blog?

I am put off by the idea in all honesty and have been deliberating about this for well over a week now!

As far as the corruption right across the boards are concerned and the 'amorals' and the 'sandheads' that pay no account? Well .. the way I always saw it is that if I could keep on, prove and encourage others to prove that the NHS was just as rotten as I said then .. not a single stretch at all to realise it all is. All ombudsman too.

I also thought that if I could show to some degree that one court is, would be impossible to prove all, then once again .. anything else reported to be corrupted and lying to the British Public? A .. lot .. more .. believable.

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