Tuesday 22 May 2018


And the word is .. corruption.

Well OK there is another word .. or .. umm .. name .. NHS!

I had a discussion in a vape shop today and we got talking about corruption and my blogs. I ended up telling them about my condition and how dangerous it is and the fact that this had been ignored by the NHS for several years and that they had failed to even inform me of either the dangers or the other symptoms.

Some of these symptoms I had been experiencing for many years prior to being diagnosed with low magnesium and other ones have cropped up since then that have STILL not been linked to the low magnesium.

There was a time that whenever I explained anything like that I would be looked at as if I was mad with them not thinking they was not letting the proverbial cat out of the bag but I can read it right across their faces. That did not happen today when he said ..

“Well .. that's the NHS for you, this government is trying to kill off loads of the population because there are too many people!” and I responded by laughing, pointing at him and stating “Yup, I know a lot of tinfoil hat people who are absolutely convinced that is what is going on.

Once again I tried to explain the latest diagnosis to a member of the family .. who makes a fucking big thing out of some mild dizzy spells they insisted was epilepsy but was never officially confirmed and they responded to a condition that is highly dangerous with a sarcastic “Oh, what is it now? You haven't got anything left to diagnose have you?”

Odd as what they do not know is another member of the family has someone like this and she talks to me about how similar these two women are. They make a big thing about something when it is them and it is not something that is a big deal. But they also talk down things in others that are a big deal .. even cancer.

In fact this person I speak to even went as far as stating that she believes, if you can believe this but it is true, that both these unrelated people are jealous of the other person's conditions because they want the attention for themselves. Yes .. both of us have to deal with this.

So I said “Umm well I do not know if you missed it last time but that was DIAGNOSED and this is also DIAGNOSED! And its highly dangerous” before explaining that because there are children and that this thing is genetic I have had to text other siblings about it. Well except the Doctor next door that knows for certain there is nothing wrong with him .. even though the evidence is clear to see all over his legs and clear to see in his personality and has been for years. Good God how am I even fucking related to these people that drive e to the edge of insanity?! Of course once I mention it is highly dangerous she interrupts as she has done every single time for the last thirty years to tell me how dangerous her thing is and how she can die. Yeah .. epilepsy and not Grand Mal, or whatever they call it these days? Do not forget not diagnosed and I have never seen an episode. Added to this I do not talk to them much, can you blame me, and yet there has been many times when my heart palpitations have been pounding their way out of my chest while .. attempting .. to talk to her and/or had anxiety attacks at the same time. Yeah .. the very thing about her that sets of my symptoms that has me thinking I am going to drop dead any fucking minute she still continues to insist on doing because she is far more important than anyone else in the family including all the children despite Autism, cervical cancer, heart attacks or disease, sudden death syndrome, blood clots and a whole host of other things.

Eventually I ignore her when she then automatically moves onto her history lessons where she gets out all her victim cards, oddly she is a socialist lol, of every single thing everyone has ever done to her. Which, in each case, is not very much. But a list of the things she has done to others is one hell of a list. But this behaviour towards others is OK because .. well she is the centre of the universe. Well in fact that is the problem .. she is not but is constantly complaining that she should be, believe it or not it is true. This complaining can go on for four or five hours and she would deplete the batteries on two wireless house phones completely when I lived on my own.

People have witnessed these stories that simply did not believe it when they were just stories and they have reacted with laughter and shock and one couple very literally runs and hides if they spot her when they are out. Which does take place from time to time and likely to start happening as this normally happens at boot-sales.

So she eventually left the room and once again I had not explained it all as is always the case, despite the fact that she has managed to repeat herself for the thousandth time.

None of us get it ,, none of us, those that know her and even those that do not. They and we simply do not understand what it is she is trying to achieve and how she thinks that her mild and non-fatal things, which if they occur are fucking rare, trumps severe daily occurring and fatal conditions?!

I mean .. she was sarcastic about the 'S' Protein Deficiency which causes blood clots but then interrupts to talk about how dangerous her non-diagnosed epilepsy is. It is utter madness and even with everything I suffer with I would not do this to the one that has been officially diagnosed with it or her cervical cancer. Why? Just, why?

She screams about no one giving a shit when she clearly does not give a crap about others! It is utter, utter .. madness! Something else I hate the NHS over as they should have committed her a long time ago. She was hounding them about this epilepsy to and even produced a letter questioning her .. state of mind.

So she went out and the phone rang and it was my daughter ..

They want her back in the God damn hspital again and for more tests and other crap.

She then says to me “Your not going to believe this!”

She reminds me of a woman who has an Autistic child and they got talking. She told her about everything that has gone on with the Autism in my granddaughter. This woman tells my daughter they did the same thing with her .. tried everything to not diagnose her child with it and that she found out it was to save money. My daughter told her that I had been telling her and wanrnign her of that. She told her about my blogging.

Then she tells her something else ..

It also turns out that this woman was kicked off her GP Surgery, despite the fact that she has a heart condition and needs certain medication. She went on to tell her that she had difficulties getting hold of her medication .. a mother of an Autistic child. Difficulty getting drugs? Sound familiar? And a GP? Sound familiar?

My daughter tells her that the exact same thing has just happened to me and the woman tells her ..

Do you know why? They do not give a crap about anyone unless they are making money. If your a single mum or on benefits then you have had it, they really do not give a crap about those people any more and are deliberately trying to kill them off!

Now I realised why my daughter was so shocked when I told her about the conversation I had, had not an hour before where the people in the store told me the exact same thing. The one I described earlier in this very post!

I told her that I was so relieved to actually hear that more and more people realise that this is going on and no longer think anyone is mad for stating it.

What I simply do not get is how can they do this to their own people while at the same time making big noises about helping people in foreign lands? It is just utter hypocrisy.

Hippocratic Oath? More like Hypocritical Oath?!

A different species?!

It must be the reptile people and their human slaves or just naïve human idiots they appoint in these positions?! Quick? Someone call David Icke! Lol!

There will be a point when enough people realise the truth and a secret revolution will be planned and no one around the world will put any blame on these leaders of any revolution. Not a single one.

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