Sunday 13 May 2018


Well what do you know?

This is a complete surprise. To find a report that directly mirrors, well more or less, what I'm going through.

Except in my case in in the house from hell with people from hell and it's the size of a shoe box.

Added to this .. I can go out but .. having always been difficult .. I'm now further away and have little choices in the places I use for .. well, work as well as finding therapeutic.

The report I've linked below states how disabled people are trapped in their homes.

Probably be about one in time about disabled people losing their homes?!

Probably be followed some time later about disabled people losing their lives and in all manner of ways?!

One has to wonder where this is all going to end? Or how much worse will it get before things actually start to improve?

Or perhaps how many people will die before someone speaks up and mentions the words 'mass murder'?

I know what would be therapeutic to me and I struggle to see how I will achieve that, considering that I believe that another court hearing that sprung out of the blue is mere tokenism. That should I lose my fourth HMCTS hearing that I would have been railroaded yet again and that would confirm my suspicion that the court hearing was all just tokenism.

You see now that the cat, not Schroedinger's quite unfortunately, is out of the proverbial bag they simply have to be seen as doing something now. They had not dine for several years but in the last six months or so there was a fear that it would all start to look a bit .. well, obvious. I did not expect to be recalled to a court hearing and neither did my legal representative.

So I dare say a lot of people got recalled abut with a plan that they would only allow a small percentage of cases to win to make it look like they were going something? Ask my opinion, mind you, and I would state that this is being done to distance themselves and make it appear that they were unaware of what was going on and therefore not a party to any of it.

Yeah well I have given them all the exact same symptoms all along .. six GP surgeries and six hospitals along with HMCTS' appointed General Practitioners and they all seem to have missed the long list of the fucking obvious?!

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Disabled 'trapped in homes' due to unsuitable housing -

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