Monday 21 May 2018


My daughter called me to tell me she was in hospital ..

This is 250 miles away from me.

She got called in because after years of having a blood clot issue they have now finally realised from a RECENT blood test that she has a S Protein Deficiency. This may or may not be what they call Thrombophilia?

Now this is where it gets a little .. weird and surprised my daughter. I may or may not have mentioned this in a recent post?

I told my daughter two interesting things yesterday while talking on the phone ..

First that if she remembered, and she did, that when I was talking about my deficiency when I was up there that I could not remember what it was. But that I had Vitamin K in my head.

On coming back and checking it out I realised it was Magnesium and this did ring a bell, so to speak, when I saw that. I also seem to recall it being mentioned in conversations with friends. So much so that I purchased pills specifically for magnesium, calcium and Vitamin D from Holland & Barrett the last time I needed some.

Now I know nothing at all about Protein deficiencies, did not even know it was possible, and so looked it up and the very first like I see on the web-page is that this S Protein is Vitamin K dependent?! I started to wonder if both Vitamin K and Magnesium were mentioned by my GP and why he specifically asked me to purchase Vit ABC+ from Holland & Barrett?

My daughter was surprised at that.

She came off the phone because her battery was low .. as always, and she then sent me a picture of a sign on the wall that tells people they are not allowed to use recording devices.

I laughed and stated that they brought this in around a year or two after I started blogging and she said she thought it was something to do with me.

The other thing I mentioned only yesterday on the phone, something a number of family members have forgotten, is that my grandmother and father both died of heart issues. It was obvious for years that they both had issues. But they were both terrified of Doctors and Hospitals and one rarely visited while the other was not even registered. They both died and yet there is till a family member not registered who also thinks himself a Doctor, able to tell you what he and I do and do not have. I had to literally point at a shoe box and state .. "Umm .. my medical records are in that box, if you care to take a look?" before he vanished like X-Men's Nightcrawler. If your scared and do not want to go to Doctors or do anything remotely responsible fine but do not project false facts onto others so that you can continue to hide. The thing that I pointed out though with my father and grandmother was that they both got swollen legs in the year or two before they died. This went on in the calf muscles mostly or only.

Well .. there is no medical records of any clots in my family but is difficult to rule out due to a long line of lacking medical history. Add into that the heart related causes of death and you have to look at everything. But then it goes on to mention that with this S Protein Deficiency that you can get swollen legs in the area of your calf muscles. We all get bad varicose veins too. Again that is the same line as my father and grandmother which also had many of the symptoms that I, my daughter and some siblings experience. Only my daughter and I really getting anywhere with Doctors and the NHS which, as it continues to turn out, is not very far.

That family lineage being the source of the Fibromyalgia I was diagnosed with and very possibly the Hypomagnesemia and others?

Of course I am also wondering if it will turn out to be linked to the low magnesium thing too? This is, after all, a deficiency. Strange that two deficiencies have now occurred in my daughter, one of which I have known I have had for several years. Oh and that medical history, or lack thereof? Yeah I mentioned this to several of my GP's over the years in the hope that they would not dismiss or miss something based on the fact there is no medical family history of it. Because the family lineage that seems to be the source of all these issues had no bloody medical history whatsoever.

To add insult to injury my great grandfather in that same lineage died of stomach cancer which destroyed my grandmother and she was always convinced that this is what she would die of.

Yeah these notices make me laugh now ..

'We can lie to you, falsify your medical records and test results while being paid from your taxes but we will not tolerate being shouted at or beaten up over our nefarious actions and do not want you catching us out by recording us either .. PLEASE!'

It is a mockery and it is not the news media they fear .. no-no-no as that is all tied up and I told them about all this crap seven years ago and did not even get a thank you response. No .. it is places like this, the Internet and Social Media they fear. Until such a time they use the 'fake news' monika to shut down people telling the truth on social media.

At the eleventh hour news about all this is finally spreading. Or is it closer to two minutes to midnight?!

Good God, I hope that is not Arrowe Park Hospital?!

EDIT: Err yeah .. as I suspected varicose veins are linked to blood clots and in bad cases can cause a blood clot to the lung ..

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