Saturday 3 August 2013


Well a not very surprising one this except for the journalists blindness or avoidence of the REAL reasons.

In the exact same piece they contradict themselves, or someone contradicted themselves to them and they were too....oh they just failed to see it.

So has no one HEARD of 4G or is it that they HAVE heard of it but not sure of the benefits?! What numpty put those in the same report?!

The part about people being put off by jargon is even more brain dead of a comment. What jargon has only been used for 4G and just come out? Also never used for 3G, tablets, laptops or games consoles which have all sold well?

Really surprises me the BS that gets printed sometimes. Lol.

My belief is that first off 3G has been bloody appalling in my opinion and i cannot be the only one. Second is that 4G is bloody expensive and an absolute rip off and not a good idea in these economic times. No sirree!

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