Tuesday 4 February 2014


Several years back I had a go at Facebook several times. I have done this several more times since and now I do not bother.

I appear to be on it when it reality I am not because every post I make online goes to my twitter about before going onto Facebook as the last one in a list.

When I got angry with them this was because suddenly many things that were free and that I enjoyed using were not any not and that typical holding out of am open palm for cash was presented to me!

After this happened with several things I ripped crap out of them for their aloof attitude, God complex and other things besides. I stated that there sudden eagerness to add things was screwing up what was a good sure to begin with and that you would think that it obvious that giving in to new BOARD MEMBERS that had no part in starting the website in the first place. I told them that in several years time they would start gradually losing users.

According to the link below this is what is now happening. Albeit a little later than I had thought.

I have read similar things of several American companies, oddly, and I wonder if they have gotten so greedy and power mad the Americans that they have now blown both feet off?! Lol.

No wonder they want to kill a hero because they are feeling it now and of course killing Edward Snowdon would definitely improve their situation?!

I wonder how many spy software and bugging they blamed on the Chinese was actually down to them?


Is Facebook really losing members? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25953225

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