Tuesday 18 February 2014


ECB for short. This is something I have noticed over time in the UK and it is worrying too quite some degree. Personally despite what people think of my insinuations to this effect the truth is I hate the fact it is a common problem. It even sends to be a process that I have witnessed in effect over the last twenty years or more?!

Or there is of course another possibility but that is for the final part of the Architects series.

People take a fraction of something and then act, behave, babble on as if they have the whole! Or see the whole?!

You would not start a book and then give up starting you know how it ends?! But that is in effect what people do. To be honest I do the exact same thing... except I have an excuse because as much as I would love not to have this condition I would much rather not. It had been costly beyond imagination and very easily I could state to the tune of at least a million pounds sterling.

My degree was intended to start a career earning 30 to 40k and within 5 years would be over 100k. Ten years it would likely be treble that! I met someone who had done this but had a nervous breakdown and did not work for several years and was scrapping by in a old banger of a car barely running. But before his breakdown he was working for Marconi earning £350,000 per year! Add up the salaries of each year starting at 30k and finishing at 350k and you will have over a million.

Yes I was screwed on my degree but I also had this condition at the time and it affected my studies in ways that now make complete sense to me for the very first time. That had already had the explanation written down in a post in great detail but won't be posted. Rest assured that come March 2014 there will be no doubt left.

But despite the amount of days and detail that can be expressed today, like take this very big for instance, Twitter is hugely popular despite only allowing very few words?!

I would have to take my hat off to them as had they asked me my opinion I would have laughed and said no way. I would have been very wrong!

I have touched upon this in the past here and there in other posts but to me Twitter is just something that defies all logic.

Once upon a time entertainment was few and far between. Long before video games came along and long before TV and long, long before many modern sports like football and Tennis there was one thing to entertain people. Books! Magazines where still an epoch away and only possibly the circus with its sideshows could possibly come close along with the core Olympic Games of course. The two oldest libraries that we are aware of in modern times are Alexandria which was located in what is known as Egypt today. The other was in umm darn it, hmm its in what is known as Israel today. Iraq had the Nippur Temple Library around 2,500 BC. In Rome there was the Atrium Liberitatis and all these early libraries were phases of study with there literature written on Papyrus and rolled up and called scrolls of course. They were in effect early versions of Universities and were really mostly available to the affluent.

Pergamum, Celcus and Constantinople ate among others.

In these days gone by scholars would spend hours and even days reading scripts to broaden their intelligence and wisdom. Of course it was problematic as some manuscripts could and were listed as heresy and such texts along with their authors often burned! In fact throughout history there are many tales of entire libraries full to the brim with manuscripts that were all burnt to the ground. Texts long since lost in the sands of time. A shame really but this attitude continued on until just a few hundred years ago and just about everywhere on Earth someone in power would not like the people having to much knowledge or knowledge of subjects that they did not like and attempted to wipe it out entirely!

In modern times this is still practised in an attempt to limit a nations knowledge base by attempting to control or close of sections of the Internet. Narrow minded and wrong no matter how you look at it and is merely that ancient R-Complex of the brain turning people that think to highly of themselves into mere animals attempting to stop to many prior from being smart enough to figure out what they are up to!

Of course there are other more stealthy ways of doing this while possibly going unnoticed and this is by being sly. You keep them occupied and running around in circles. You can keep lots of people like this by making it necessary for two people to work because everything is so expensive. Of course other factors can keep people too preoccupied with stressful factors that they cannot find the time nor relax enough to take anything else in board?! We are only human at the end of the day and there is only so much we can do.

I believe that time is precious and that it should be allocated to various things. Any one thing taking up to much of it especially if it is stressful is extremely unhealthy and over long periods can have disastrous and catastrophic effects. Though I now know that out of the very bad ones there can be one or two good ones. Unfortunately it does not redress the balance but the jury is still out on that one. In fact that is in effect what my endeavours are trying to do! One of the many things in a long list of goals and before this years is over it should look obvious that this will happen and if not reached already the ultimate aim should be able to be predicted and also not far away?!

But today many people do not want to read, as far as broadening their knowledge is concerned at any rate and only fictional stories get any focus. Even then it always seems to be with women and normally involving sex for some reason or another. Outside of the Harry Potter series which does not count the only book I recall hitting the news headlines is Fifty Shades Of Grey! Some of James Pattison's books and Tom Clancy's get TV advertising.

All fictional and despite wanting to read Stieg Larrson's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo I have a hard enough time reading the factual stuff I am heavily into let alone fiction!!

Hopefully this will change once I am seen by Guy's Hospital and get my hands on some Sodium oxybate?! I cannot tell you how eager I am for this appointment or how much I am dying to see how I feel the first few mornings after taking this drug?! Ooh boy!! Hopefully I can then get around to doing the things I missed out on? Only it's been so long I am worried that many things have become deep seated habits?!

But for me speaking about what I know to be wrong with society I have to get past one of the things that is a very big problem and a huge obstacle for me?! The fact that many people have no patience nor willing to spend time reading all the facts even if it benefits them?! I do know I have reached some and at least I can show that. Be great if I could turn to the powers that be and show that I helped hundreds if not thousands of people. That was the problem I had from day one and after about a year I realised that was a major problem and that it might take twice add long as I original figured?! Not speaking of the miniscule monthly payment I was hoping to get off Google for their Ads via Adsense I an talking about genuinely helping many others. I thought how cool it would be that if I ever managed to get a public office to claim I was a scourge or leech on society that I could say "Well actually here is proof that you are not only wrong but I have done more than your entire organisation and I did it for free so who exactly is the scourge or leech on society?!"

Now just think how very cool this would be to be able to state this to all those that take your taxes and give YOU nothing back in return and removing the last safety net and at the some time erasing the 'civilised' from the term 'civilised society'?!

At the end of the day it is not is it now?! A civilised society is a lot more than just showing manners or opening a door for someone or saying 'thank you'!

This is in effect the very core of my argument because they like to put on airs and graces and speak to this effect too but that the whole thing is a charade and that they are nothing of the kind.

I also wanted to show that they are liars all along the way to highlight ineffective journalism that itself had become cut off and ineffective. One minute calling people lists and then a few days later asking for their opinion on something?!
If a bloke down your street was a notorious list you would not ask his advice on anything would you?

The truth is I think that journalism has loved this and uses it to is own ends while not thinking anyone out there gifted with enough intelligence to realise they talk utter shite?
Also only speaking to extremely small minded people only interested in idle worthless gossip of some celebrity it other who themselves love it until it revelers bad on them and then make word to the media about how much they despise them.

My word. I do so much hate the world I live in, lol. But I have been working very hard to in effect alter the scenery somewhat, you could say in a manner is speaking to make it so much less boring and mind numbingly mundane than I currently do?

Fingers firmly crossed but with a knowing smile on my face.

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