Tuesday 11 February 2014


Well as sad as the sights are for people and ask the flooding it is extremely good to see people working together.

One guy said it took a disaster for people to work together!

But we could be so different if it did not always have to take a disaster.

Of course the other factors is, is that no matter who they speak to and where it is when they speak the things you hear are identical, over and over again. Nobody around, no one answers their please for help and nobody turns up.

Now if you check the complete history of this blog you will see one common theme throughout this blog, not only the lies and corruption but that the SDI called public services are nothing if the kind! Not even half way close to it! I state this through out and constantly and with the utmost confidence that sooner or later they will simply prove me correct about them.

Now my point of view this puts so much weight into my posts, ramblings and evidence you could be forgiven for thinking that these now be weights manufactured from Lead?!


Thousands of desperate people and not a public service in sight! I have not even seen the Police in any of these places.


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