Monday 4 November 2013


I am in Enfield Town library and I just had one off my black out moments, only this time it was worryingly strong.

Now there is a very peculiar oddity about this occasion and that is the reason why I ended yo where I did.

I had not initially left the house to visit the library but an odd set of circumstances led me there. I thought maybe I would take a gander in a medical dictionary at Fibromyalgia?

Now what was the funny coincidence? I was quite unusually on my knees and placing back a copy of Blacks Medical Dictionary when I started to feel that all too familiar tingly and warm feeling. Yes you read that right I was putting back a bloody medical dictionary! Lol.

Note this one continued beyond the blurry vision to complete black out which is very rare. Luckily I was on my knees and leaning against the reference section having just placed the book back in place. Afterwards I am usually a little fuzzy and out off it and the stronger it turns out to be the more out if it I am.

The worst every occurrence of this was a very long time ago and was unconscious round a friends place for thirty minutes. As I awoke I could feel convulsions in my legs body and chest and was, don't laugh, on the floor of his toilet with my trousers round my ankles, lol. O was convinced at the time this was a Grand Mal Seizure and it could be argued that the others were all mild seizures to one degree or another.

Only these seizures have a golden rule add they only occur when I'm crouching or sitting and then stand up. Well normally. But not today.

As for the Fibromyalgia read up Blacks Medical Dictionary, yes it does seem even more oddly suited to Mr symptoms than my previous estimations. Even adding my sleep problems and unexplainable headaches into the mix.

There is on last peculiarity too and this one has blown me away. To start with I should not have been able to get as far add the library today! After an easy week I had a couple of bad days and had decided that the Amitriptyline was not having an affect. Or do I thought.

Today something bizarre was happening in that after awhile I noticed the flat off my heels felt different. There eds nor much in the way of the usual difficulties and at times I found my feet felt as close to normal as they had done since the first pains thirteen years ago?! I was somewhat dumbfounded by this to say the least. I thought perhaps the Amitriptyline WAS avidly doing something?!

In the care and management section under Fibromyalgia what does it state? Only two drugs have had any effect on Fibromyalgia and one of those is Amitriptyline!! The other was called Serotonine or something similar obviously to do with the serotonin levels in the brain. So I'm guessing it was someone I knew that had been prescribed this drug and not me add I would have certainly noted any effect on my feet.

A shame then that neither this drug nor Tramadol is doing anything about my back pain!! Or my shoulder!


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