Monday 4 November 2013


Here is first off a sarcastic and patronizing response from the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman which will be followed by my pithy comeback along with an explanation of the BIGGER PICTURE. 

The Bigger Picture is something the all fail to see despite their patronizing tones that insinuate a superior intelligence, lol.

Dear Sir

I write further to your email of 24 October 2013 in which you complain about your difficulties with your GP. We have previously informed you that we would not respond to your emails until you have completed the complaints process of Barnet & Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust and the Pension, Disability and Carers Service, however, as the concerns you have raised about your GP appear to be a new issue, I feel it is reasonable for us to respond to you on this occasion.

As we have previously explained in relation to your complaint about Barnet & Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, before we will consider a complaint we expect the complaints process of the organisation concerned to have been completed.

In order to pursue a complaint about your GP, you can either complain in writing to the Practice Manager, or to NHS England (who commission GP services in England). The contact details for NHS England are as follows:

NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
Telephone: 0300 311 22 33 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, excluding English Bank Holidays)

I trust that the information provided will enable you to pursue this complaint. We will not correspond with you further about this matter until you can provide evidence that you have actively pursued your complaint with either the Practice or NHS England.

Yours faithfully

Ann Cox


Dear Ann Cox


Thank you for your email response. When exactly did you inform me of all this previously? If you sent an email and I have not read it then I apologize.

But to be 'informed' as you put it I need to have been 'told' and if I have not read the email then I have not been informed and you cannot possibly know that so please try not to be sarcastic when sending emails to people when you are not aware of their knowledge.

Secondly I had to ask you are joking about going through these complaints procedures, right?

If you are not then I can assure you that I have previously informed you that I have been through this before and am well aware that it will go nowhere, just as I know that contacting you will go nowhere.

I would also like to pint out that ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE is it clear on how to go about taking action! AS well as yourselves there is the GMC, NICE, PALS and likely others all of which only pass the buck and inform people with complaints that they have to go down some useless channel that gets you nowhere.

Thirdly I did state that I was falsely accused and that I can prove it but oddly whenever I state this no one is interested. I can also prove the test results are falsified and yet still no one even asks to see what I have. This is a serious accusation that I can prove and I can do so several times over. This ultimately puts peoples lives at stake and yet none of the governing bodies nor Ombudsman who are paid for by US the TAXPAYER are even remotely interested in doing ANYTHING AT ALL?!

Could you explain exactly WHY you are paid for out of the public purse?

To cap it all I often get arrogance, rudeness and patronizing tones as if people in public services are a different species to everyone else.

The fact is when I go through these processes I actually cover them as I go to an audience. A very big audience I might add that grows exponentially over time. So when the excuses come forth along with any sarcasm and patronizing tones combined with a lack of action of any kind, including empathy or understanding, more and more people read it.

I also have a backbench MP who reads my blog along with his MP wife, a Baroness, and uses my data and evidence in the House of Commons and has done since January 2013.

What makes me unique in this is it just so happens that I have conditions that have been totally ignored, lied about and had a dozen wrong diagnosis for years. So I had the opportunity over a small space of time to be referred to many departments over three hospitals. In one year. IN each of these I was lied to about my conditions and about the test results.

The amount of times I have been lied to is around 80% and I clearly know a lot more about the bureaucracy and corruption within the NHS than YOU DO. I have also had several GPs lie to me and my LAST GP admitted that the NHS force them to lie and force them to NOT SEND PATIENTS for expensive tests, like MRIs, otherwise they get kicked off the NHS register.

Now here IS the amusing part. I hint that I actually have all this but for some reason people I contact who are meant to make sure these things do not happen FAIL COMPLETELY to pick up on this. Well at least I now know how the whole system managed to get so rotten and corrupted.

Now my audience has been growing for well over a year and has heading for 100,000 people and rises at over 2,000 per week. That 2,000 per week figure itself rises each week. So in a few months time this would be heading for 150,000 and rising by 5,000 per week.

My point has been to show that the Ombudsman and Governing Bodies are a complete waste of the taxpayers money and for the News Media to run around working out how much is wasted each year. Which I am sure they are in the process of doing. Now I cannot do this unless it is plain to see that I exhaust every avenue but I will not go down ones that are obviously a complete waste of time.

So as I have been through three GPs in this area, three hospitals, several specialists and currently attending a Pain Support Group which is nothing of the kind and every week tries to recruit people to work for Chase Farm Hospital for FREE I have done all that I can. While those that are meant to help have done nothing. Now would you like to know WHAT departments I have been through?

1) Rheumatology several times (Probably LIED)
2) Orthopaedics several times (LIED ABOUT KNEE MRI)
3) Podiatry several times (LIED)
4) Back Specialists (LIED)
5) Inguinal Hernia specialist (LIED & TEST LIED ABOUT)
6) Physiotherpaists several times and then some
7) Neurology (LIED & TEST LIED ABOUT)

8) St Michaels Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, Barnet Hospital and I even cover Whipps Cross Hospital too

Now all that above is just off the top of my head and I have 50GB of data that has been used by MP's and my data against ALL the Ombudsman (QUANGOS), NHS, Police, Local Government and many others besides. Like HMRC has suddenly sprung to mind...ooh and courts as well as Debt Collectors and bailiffs....sorry I digress. Now where was I? Ooh yes my data...

It amounts to 50GB and it is all evidence to what is rotten, wrong, corrupt and truly wasteful within the United Kingdom.

So then...let us FORGET what you said about complaining the the practice, which will only give excuses because the NHS holds them to ransom.

I will now explain that I HAVE INDEED ALREADY CONTACTED THE FOUNDATION TRUST who are not only dealing with it but they are a NHS Foundation Trust so actually part of the system that is corrupt!

Now I only heard of these NHS Foundation Trusts recently and that was in a letter being KICKED off my GP surgery. You cannot speak DOWN to people becuase there is some section of the NHS that no one is aware of. IN fact the details provided to me by the GP were WRONG. That trust he tells me to contact did not exist!

It is humorous how many people I speak to that have delusions of grandeur that get their facts completely wrong over and over again with the next health professional being no different than the last.

In fact I have several recordings that explains my point whereby one specialist tells me the previous specialist was completely wrong!! I have had a fair few like that throwing out my previous diagnosis while I ran around in pain and waiting months on end for yet another person to diagnose me and them told 6 months later he was an idiot by someone else!

Oh not but you are not supposed to get angry or frustrated by any of this of course. So you get scorn, labelled and sarcasm along with patronized by people who fail to realize that they could not even come close to matching my level of intelligence!

So as I stated at the beginning I will contact you after the Foundation Trust has done nothing so that you can therefore go forth and do the same.


Martin Haswell BSc

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