Tuesday 26 November 2013


Hmm strange that they, only now, are threatening to freeze data sharing?

I would have performed this action absolutely immediately.

That is what Europe have only now threatened America it may do. This will not matter a jot to America and laughable to even think it let alone utter it! Think about it, they have been at it for years they have got everything on everybody and in all that time got everything on businesses too! I would now investigate every single MERGER, TAKE OVER, PURCHASE and anything else that American firms did over the entire globe to do with business and see if these moves were in close proximity to anything about to be declared.

Then you just need a reporter and someone who can come up with some graphs to see if a pattern emerges. If it does then you know America were lying about not using the collected data and had an unfair advantage on a business level that they fully abused.

NSA surveillance: Europe threatens to freeze US data-sharing arrangements - http://pulse.me/s/EEU9P

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