Sunday, 24 November 2013


Now for the first explanation of what has been transpiring as well as a little more about the grand plan to deal with the bigger picture most people like to refuse to accept does exist.
This shouls start to make sense now what I had intended from the very beginning. Showing what was wrong by attempting it as I went along. Showing that these failures leave members of the public to be perfectly within their rights to be angry. I knew all along that none of my endeavours would get anywhere but I continued none the less and I knew full well I would get angry about each and every one. It was imnportant that I wrote things when I was angry, despite the fact I really KNEW beforehand. Then I could show this and therefore show that it was perfectly OK to be angry. The system is wrong, immoral and unfair and not corrected you could end up with a life like mine. 
I proivided a very rare thing and still do in this blog as I give people the gift of foresight based purely on my curse that is hindsight. Do not worry despite what some 'organisations' might like to say I did and have dealt with them. If I had not I would not be here typing in this blog now would I? Lol.

Now I for one had thought that precisely a year ago I could start thinking about building a new rig, computer, which would start early in 2013. Due to unforeseen circumstance, mostly covered on other blogs I have, this did not occur. Part of the reason is that I did not quite achieve many of my goals nor input as much as I thought I would into my blogs, thereby not quite garnering enough visitors to achieve things in record times. Added to this there was an issue with the blogs and they were inundated with far too many adverts which I had not realised were there. Some had around ten on or more when the total allowed for certain ads is three. Bizarrely it turned out that my pop up blocker was actually hiding the blocks containing the ads in my set up layout screen. So I kept adding ads to ones already there which just crept upwards over many months. This did two things...

  1. Firstly it stopped my revenue from Google in  its tracks and it refused to budge for the last four months and had likely been slowing down for a couple of months before that too.
  2. Secondly it was putting people off returning to all my blogs as they looked an absolute mess and it is annoying that I had not realised this and has cost me. Not helped by the fact that Google refuse to even speak to you until you reach the minimum payments of £60 per month.
  3. Meaning that I should have reached that months ago but did not due to a problem that was primarily Google's they refused to speak to me about.

So now that this has been discovered it has also been corrected... 

  1. But this will take a little while for the people that were put off by the inundation of ads to realise and come back more often that they were.
  2. The revenue which already leaped forward in a 24 hour period proving what I have said to be correct will move ever higher over the next couple of months as new visitors come back more often and visitors I have had over the last 6 months also come back more often
  3. Based in that last detail being correct then at the time of the launch of the AMD Kaveri chip I may be able to buy my first purchases to FINALLY build a budget PC, which I will of course film which will help promote my blogs as well as my YouTube account, lol.
  4. It was always a long term plan that would take one or two years to get everything neatly networked together to work as a whole and achieve what I wanted. Yes I was wrongly cocky and over confident that I could do this in less than a year but it mattered not I was in this for the long haul no matter what.
  5. Also remember I knew not that you could generate revenue from blogs when I started, I only wanted to help people and just doing what many said I should have done for the last ten years!
I had hinted of this before but I did not really want to put any details in unless I was sure and I only had that sudden LEAP in the first 24 hours of one set of figures. But I really needed a minimum of a month and more realistically TWO MONTHS to be absolutely sure. At this point, around the launch of AMD Kaveri on the 14th January 2014 strangely enough, I might able to make predictions on my blogs with an absolute certainty. Once it starts it does not stop and just heads upwards.

One other subject I am into is exotic animals and plants belong mostly to the Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Orchid areas and have acquired slowly some tools and now only need materials to start making custom design cages that have been knocking around in my head for over a decade. SO attempting to do some manufacturing and get better and better at it to sell some here and there, a back up plan.

Of course and as I have long stated my plans were so multi-faceted that it would put the best diamonds to shame! Here alone I have described, technically, just six of a much larger numbers of goals set out to achieve. Each of the corrupt organisations being another list, helping people and groups of people is another list and so on and so forth.

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