Thursday 7 November 2013


Well what do you know?!

After reading the long list of symptoms for Fibromyalgia and discovering the associated memory problems with Fibro Fog I decided to look it up. The latter not the former.

I found this page and in the list of symptoms is another one of my complaints I have also had a LONG TIME!

Restless Legs Syndrome! Oddly now that I typed it my usually bad memory is telling me that I have linked this RLS up previously with a different condition. This is awfully funny, good job I can see the funny side of things, as I was told by GP after GP that no one knew anything about it or what causes it and I myself discovered what irritates mine and that is CAFFEINE! I can still get mild RLS but if I drink too much caffeine late in the day my night time would be far more miserable than it normally is, well some of the time it is.

Ahh now I remember it was linked to Charcot Marie Tooth Disease and for me it was the cherry on the Bakewell Tart and why I was so convinced I had found the condition I was afflicted with.

You see each time I made a mistake it was based on everything I had ever been told by so called health professionals within the NHS!

Because no one could figure it out it seems highly probable that it was something unusual and rare.

Because little is known about...hmm... RLS and CMT was a rare condition I had thought that must be it. The 'hmm' was to remind me to type this sentence as another thing that has been driving me crazy is that my typing has been very progressively been getting worse and it has driven me mad because I try doing things at the speeds I always have. But every now and then I make a series if mistakes and almost seems as if I have forgotten where the KEYS are for certain letters on my keyboard every now and then?!

But I have been around computers since my first Commodore VIC-20 which must be over 30 years ago now?

It should also be noted, for anyone that reads this who has not picked up on it, is that I have been given a totally different drug to that I had, or that I wanted. It just so happens that they hit on one of the only two drugs that WORK with Fibromyalgia?! It also transpires that this was done at a time a couple of months AFTER I had revealed I had been recording hospital visits?!

Now maybe it is just me but Fibromyalgia is NOT a rare condition and even I was familiar with the term and I even told my brother's first neighbour I was familiar with the name Fibromyalgia when she explained she suffered from it. Now had it turned out that I suffered with Charcot Marie Tooth then it would have explained away some of the NHS mistakes with just being naive but there still would have been the lies among all that.

But now and after 13 years I have let the cat out of the bag so to speak and the VERY FIRST appointment I have AFTER this I just so happen to have been given one of the two drugs that work on my conditions. Only the affects seem to come and go unfortunately but I cannot ignore those few times when my felt had never felt more normal than they had for over ten years!

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