Wednesday 6 November 2013


Right well I will just have to state it won't I? The obvious! Yet again!

You cannot force people into jobs that are NOT THERE!

You cannot test 2.5 million people who are unemployed like animals because of a tiny fraction of them that are up to no good and do not want to work!!

So YES I agree there are wasters out there but they are but a small percentage but you are penalizing everyone using them add an excuse when really you have proved over and over again you do not really give a shit about anyone but yourselves!

I will state it here so I can refer back to it as proof at a future point in time but you are going to kick off done very serious trouble that will be a backlash like you have never known. If and when it does then YOU CAUSED IT and no one else.

This will be underlined by the fact that your changing of the welfare system is not IMPROVING IT NOR MAKING IT FAIRER EITHER.

When this kicks off it will blow up in your faces like there is no tomorrow because it will start to seem to people like there is no tomorrow!

You are in a tiny bubble of a world and likely not be alone in feeling this backlash, as the questions put to the culprits are crap. Making those that ask look as if they are in agreement not to put the real difficult questions and not pulling them to rank either when the lie and bullshit. Finishing with 'great talking to you as always' and 'thank you for your time' sounds more like 'thanks for the cash' or 'thanks for the let off'?


Have you considered how it will look in the event of any aftermath? When by the time the dust settles millions of people would have realised I tried to stop events and told everyone how it was and where we are heading. What do you think the consensus of opinion will be then?

So they are saying that 400,000 have had their benefits stopped? How the hell can you put out a story to say that 400,000 people are lazy idiots who do not want to work? Bearing in mind that it is not anywhere near over yet! Why do I have this feeling that there will be no one receiving benefits a year from now and thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of new criminals?!

A bunch of overpaid morons with delusions of grandeur sitting around their burnt out properties while scratching their heads wondering how they got it wrong?!

Do you only work using hindsight alone? Have you no ability at all to foresee the very catastrophes you create? Maybe you think you can just keep pushing and squeezing because nothing really bad has kicked off for years?!

Well I would like to point out that with just benefits stopped alone you have pissed off almost half a million and rising.

Then there are all the disabled people, sick people and those dying. Plus the loved ones of those who have died that YOU are directly responsible for?

Oh and of course all the low income families squeezed by the gas and electricity constantly climbing?! That must be bloody humongous?!

Those pissed off with the lying and corruption of the NHS?! That must be a fair old number and rising fast now and ever faster still?!

I would imagine you have cheesed off all the religious sections too?!

Not forgetting either all the people who will learn that they have been ripped off on electronic goods they have bought?! Maybe other things too?

Then there are all the youngsters who think they cannot get a job or further education?! On their own they caused a real problem when they kicked off a couple of years back!

If all of these different factions with grievances to different sections off the system all actually put their heads together I would very much not like to guess just how many people that would amount to?! This number right now would be mind numbingly huge...and it is growing...FAST!

If this does all come to pass, had it ever occurred to you to wonder how history will remember you? As CHUMPS that is what you will be labeled! Too busy wanting your name in the history books, first class tickets around the world to meetings only to be offered a high paid job and lots of book deals when it's over I doubt anyone stopped to think 'what if it went wrong while I was in power?', Lol.

What makes me laugh is the insinuations I make about journalist reports is happening right here with this one! The Job Centre and the ministers as well add the public offices they are charged with running have been proved over and over again to be one big bunch of immoral, amoral liars but sit there dictating to the people now, when they think they have done something wrong, and all their illegal activities have been forgotten?! That is how it appears to me and I cannot be alone on this.

As much as I would like these idiots to go down in history as the lying, cheating, contradictory, brain dead chumps that they are I would rather avoid the joining the dots for them and telling them publicly they are chumps!

Ooh I just did that! Food for thought dear boy, food for thought.


Life when the Jobcentre says you broke the rules

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