Wednesday 6 November 2013


Right then! After finding out that Fibromyalgia could also explain other problems I have, like my forgetfulness with FIBROFOG, I decided the best thing to do is create a DIAGRAM and a LIST!

Especially as just today and along with a County Court Form to Northampton over a faulty phone I also sent in the reply and request to help of NHS England! So I might just be in the thick of it very soon?!

Now first up is a diagram that consists of all the areas of my body I have had problems, most of which I have never been given an explanation to and many also lied about.

After the diagram is list from 1 to 22, had no idea it was that many but knew it was over 10, of the problem areas. One of these only occurred once and some do not cause much pain if any at all. I listed them all just in case there are those with a madical background that may spot what a great many Doctors have not.

Current thinking is Fibromyalgia until either I or a Doctor rules it out with good reason.


Pain Area Descriptions...

1 – Forgetful, Headache, Anxiety, Depression, Seizures

2 – Blocked Nasal Pasages most nights lying in bed

3 – Sudden Vomiting (OESOPHAGITIS)

4 – Crunching Painful base of neck and frozen shoulder (HAVE PRIVATE X-RAYS)

5 – Severe Heartburn from (HIATUS HERNIA)

6 – Pain in mid section of back (HAVE PRIVATE X-RAYS)

7 – Pain ONCE from not being able to breather in more than 30%

8 – Black area on ULTRASOUND that causes me pain

9 – Hernia DISCOVERED on above Ultrasound but no pain or popping feelings

10- Hip pains that can be severe in certain positions or just aching, - PRE-HEEL PAIN

11- Thighs can be fairly painful some days with a strong aching

12- Outside of right hand can ache, pucking up saucepans painful

13- Aching at the backs of my knees, Hamstrings??

14 – Varying degrees of pain in knees arund outside of patella


16- Rare but EXTREMELY PAINFUL spasms that only occur while asleep but wake up screaming.

17 – Clicking pain, Achilles Tendinitis?? - PRE-HEEL PAIN

18- Pain in the ball of my LEFT foot only, Metatarsalgia

19- Flashing lightning like pain or sometimes aching on the dorsal area of arches

20- Flat of Heel Pain which gets PROGRESSIVELY WORSE the more I walk or stand and NOT EASIER as in Plantar fascdiitis.

21- Problem with right ear, pops a lot in cold and damp weather, hearing less than the other side and putting in SILICON in-ear buds when using headphones I lose the hearing totally!

I had self diagnosed... because it become apparent that many Gemeral Practitioners and even Specialists ranged from not very good to bloody incompetent....

Morton's Neuroma but ruled out.

Dupuytren's Contracture but I quickly then ruled that out

Charcot Marie Tooth Disease but ruled out via NCS and Electromyography
Current thinking now is Fibromyalgia due to this affecting memory (called Fibrofog), causing fatigue, lots areas of pain and other things all of which I experience. ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL and CHASE FARM HOSPITAL.

NHS Diagnosed...

Tenosynovitis (Wild guess at Whipps Cross Hospital)
Plantar fasciitis (String of GPs insisted despite my disagreeing) eventually dismissed
Pes Cavus then dismissed by next specialist St Michaels Hospital
Neurological Disorder which was later dismissed by next specialist by lying. St Michaels Hospital

BACK PROBLEMS in 2 areas, later changed their minds (HAVE CHIROPRACTOR X-RAYS)

Inguinal Hernia immediately repaired, told I would get one other side
Inguinal Hernia: then denied. Not admitting there was a black patch in pain area

Organic Anxiety Disorder

Oesophagitis Grade C (Endoscopy)
Hiatus Hernia (Endoscopy & Barium Meal)


3 Rheumatologists
4 Orthopaedics
3 Podiatrists
1 Back Specialist Physiotherpist
5 Physiotherapists
1 Neurologist (Discharged before testing for all neurological disorders?!)

Tests and other procedures...

Tarpal and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (do not know names of tests)
Nerve Conduction Studies
Orthopaedic Insoles – TWO DIFFRENT OCCASIONS
Corticosteroid Injections (VERY PAINFUL)
Ultrasound Treatment
Night Splint
X-RAYS, X-RAYS, X-RAYS and I now glow inm the dark!! LMAO!
MRI Lumber
MRI Mid Upper Back while lying flat the results contradicted Back Specialist, Chriopractor as well as PREVIOUS X-RAYS?! Lmao!

NOTES: Numbers 10, 15 and 17 all appeared PRIOR to my PLANTAR FASCIITIS which includes both my heel and arch pains. Also thse get WORSE the more my feet are used whereby everyone tells you, and all books state clearly too, that the pain gets EASIER the more you use them. SO either all that state this are complete morons or it is either NOT Plantar fasciitis or being brought about from something else.


Oh please no!! It has been thrteen years minimum lol I could not possibly recall all of them!

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