Wednesday 6 November 2013


Well to accompany my last post I must also cover all areas pf potential finger pointing which will occur before very long now.

I have previously hinted that I have been....UP TO SOMETHING?! Lol.

Well now I am going to put a few things here which will allow me much more in the way of a defense against all comers and all accusations. Just as I have previously done for health. Also as I have previously done with my martial arts skills. Also as I have previously done with my intellect.


Now it could be argued that my blogs in themselves are proof positive that I am by no means lazy...badly motivated at times and terribly disorganized yes. But LAZY? NO! could argue that I want o earn money sitting on my arse and am afraid of REAL WORK! Not so but I cannot get very far and even if I could I am not going to work dishonestly and nor am I going to put of with a master with a whip due to my health. BEEN THERE DONE THAT!

I stated recently that I dug out an old idea and dusted it down and kept it in the fore front of my mind. I also hinted that I have talked about this in recent times and I have also spoken to many about it?

Well as the blogs have taken longer than I expected and due to the incompetence of others as well as rife corruption costing me both time and money I decided that an old idea may help me in the interim period I now appear to be in.

Now when I say LOSSES I mean that these are directly attributed to BOTH private companies and public offices and have lost over £20,000 at a wild guess, because of it all.

So here now is a picture of a collection of items that I recently purched and got together, when Eon Energy pissed me off, and am nearly ready to begin!!

In the picture are Mad Harry's Tools with a Glass Cutter, Tile Cutter and Snapper, a HOBBY VICE, two clamps at 6 inches and 12 inches a tile/ceramic file, two different adhesive smoothers applicators and a set of tiny screwdrivers!!

Added this picture as a little hidden gem that links this to the last post, PART ONE, as not only is it far too hot in my house in the SUMMER but far too cold in the WINTER but I have the added disadvantage of having sunny days reward me with sunlight directly in my eyes.

SO im my tiny house of little room for maneuver the sofa seating position, sofa cannot go anywhere else quite literally, requires Mad Harry's Hat!! VIOLA!

Can you see where I am going with this?! LMAO!!

A collection of tools and I need a few more and some materials. My plan? Custom manufacturing of items the designs of which have been knocking around in my head for about 15 years or more. Courtesy of no less than TWO of my interests I have blogs on!! Ooh YEAHH!! LMAO!

Now do you think that there will be any reasonable and available government help?

Now I have managed to badger and bully various sections of the NHS and have narrowed my health condition down to Fibromyalgia do you think there will be a difference?

Do you think that I am in pole position now to run at the public offices with all guns a blazing shooting down in flames all the statements they have made over several years about how they ARE THERE FOR YOU?! That they can help you get back to work? Behind those willing to work for themselves? Odd really on how it os all now coming together to a finale that will likely only cover a period of a couple of months, maybe even a couple of weeks?!

I love watching a plan come together!!


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