Sunday 3 November 2013


Hmm I have bene pondering something the past few days about Eon Energy!

I got qa letter informing me my meter was due to be read but this is not right. As followers that hate energy companies would likely know I paid four payments from the moment I received my last bill! These were £110, £80, £20 and today £60.

Not it is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE to realize that this is a period of 6 weeks. A quarter of a year is 13 weeks as two of these make 26 and two of those make 52 which is a year. Even if I had paid the first £110 two weeks AFTER I got the bill that would still only be 8 weeks meaning the next reading would be due in 5 weeks times!

But NO I did not pay that £110 two weeks after and was a week at the most.

So either one of two things have happened and one is incompetence on their part and that for some bizarre reason the last bill came a month late. Or a lot more sinister is that they have applied for a court order qand are massaging things to make it look to a court like I have been later at paying than I actually was?!?!?!

I have seen this before and I know that Debt Companies do it and have always urged people to check the dates on their demands, legal letters and paperwork. It is not something people would focus on so an easy ploy for greedy companies to manipulate to make you look bad.

Now whether or not the courts and Judges have been misled or they are taking backhanders to look the other way I do not know. It is certainly easily deniable for any corrupt Judges that may be out there.

Added to this Eon Energy have also text my phone twice in 24 hours asking that I ring them with my account number. What their phones suddenly do not work?! Lol. Both times I was out, so did not have my damned account number on me. As I have mentioned many times on here I get hom tired, flustered and in pain and cannot even get online most nights on my laptop. So things like that will never get done.

I also tell all companies and public offices that I only contact via email but for some reason they will not allow you this free and immediate service and do not publish their email addresses but quick to tell a court that you failed to get in contact!!

But letters cost time and money as well as not being eco-friendly due to trees and also get lost easily. Phone-calls are expensive too unless you have a monthly tariff. This bit is a REAL UP MY NOSE PET HATE for me. Because its awkward, not regulated, rude, aloof and obnoxious plus it helps them to make YOU look bad.

There now follows a screen shot of me informing Eon Energy of all this as well as the letter in full...

Here is current bill stating I owe £98 but just paid £60 so owe £38


REMEMBER TO CHECK ALL YOUR PAPERWORK, does not matter WHO IT IS as the dates are used to force penalties onto you. As I stated many times, bad language and anger they are not capable of and treat them as more severe than LYING and FRAUD not forgetting GREED and POWER, LOL.

So ask yourself what the FECK are the SERIOUS FRAUD OFFICE doing sitting in their offices with their thumbs up their backsides?! LMAO!

Dear Sirs

First off why have you text me twice? If there is something to be said simply put it in an email.

Secondly why am I seeing notices and getting a letter that my meter readings are due to be taken again?

I seem to recall getting a bill just after I had paid an amount U cannot recall, then I paid £110, £20, £80 and I have just paid £60.

These are in 2 week intervals so going from the payment of £110 this comes to 6 weeks. This is only HALF the quarterly period!!

I cannot help but think your up to something sinister and if so then I already know what this is! It would also explain how you have tried to get me to call you twice!

If it is the same trick I have seen so many other times previously by so many other public and private organisations by misleading or having a Court Judge .in your pocket' it will not work.

My blog does a lot more than deal with the organisations I believe to be both unfair and corrupt. It informs the wider public of how they get away with it.

Unless you sent me a bill several weeks late there is no way I am due a bill, not for another four weeks minimum but would wager it is six.

But if you have acquired a court order to gain entry to force the pre-payment meter then by all means go ahead and arrive at the house as you will just hand me an early victory I thought I would actually acquire elsewhere in 6 months time?!


Martin Haswell BSc

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