Sunday 3 November 2013


In the mid 1980's I got into my second big name in music, well one that I got into in a big way that is, with Dire Straits. Before this my first band was Pink Floyd. Over the years I have ended up going through periods were I have either not had time to relax and listen to my music or unable to appreciate it due to stress levels or commitments forced upon me.

In 1985 I fell in love with Dire Straits first listening to the album Lover Over Gold and then having my mind blown away with the Brothers In Arms album and discovering that Pink Floyd were not the only band that had albums you could listen to from the beginning to the end?!

Lately I have been listening to playlists of separate favourite tracks that I simply cannot put Pink Floyd ytacks in feeling like splitting up these tracks would be sacrilege, lol. I did, however, manage to add into a second playlist some Dire Straits tracks and while I was on the way back from Sainsburys I got to hear Telegraph Road and then Private Investigations.

I had forgotten to get chopped tomatoes and kidney beans I forgot to get yesterday as I was tired an in a lot of pain and this is nearly always the case. Hence why it is now Sunday, four days after being paid, and yet I still do not have all the shopping I need!! Lol.

As the wind whipped up small dried leaves all around and sprinkles of rain suddenly changed into a golden autumn sun the lyrics long forgotten felt more and more familiar to me the more Mark Knopfler sang.
"It's a mystery to me - the game commences 
For the usual fee - plus expenses 
Confidential information - is a diary 
This is my investigation - it's not a public inquiry 
I go checking out the reports - digging up the dirt 
You get to meet all sorts in this line of work 
Treachery and treason - there's always an excuse for it 
And when I find the reason I still can't get used to it 
And what have you got at the end of the day? 
What have you got to take away? 
A bottle of whisky and a new set of lies 
Blinds on the windows and a pain behind the eyes 
Scarred for life - no compensation 
Private investigations" - Mark Knopler
Oddly I do rather like a good Whiskey, like Glenmorangie, Glennfiddich or Laphraig provided they are a 12 year old malt. Can be devastating to my Oesophagitis though...DEVASTATING, LOL.

Funny is the no compensation line, lol so true.

I was rather an eye opener to think that my own life had become a mirror image of the lyrics to this song I loved going back to the mid 80's?! All my meanderings and endeavours over recent years really had basically turned me into a Private Investigator without even realizing it. Hmm I did consider becoming one many years ago, maybe I should consider it again? Oh yeah, just remembered that I currently cannot get much farther than my local Sainsburys!! LMAO!

How very bizarre?!

Gave up waiting for another album from either Pink Floyd, now poor old Rick Wright is no longer with us, and Dire Straits. Still they did give the world some truly amazing albums.

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