Sunday 3 November 2013


They just do not get it do they?!

They are trying to make Edward Snowden into some kind of super villain like those seen in a James Bond movie!

But making the same noises as you go on its a really bad idea and sends out the wrong messages.

First off he really did not do anything wrong and I would go as far as saying feck what your laws say and are just as warped as the United Kingdom's by the sound of it?

By continuing to moan and ask for things that make you look utterly stupid and incompetent, like that Pfeiffeir chap, you tell the whole world that you do not regret the spying and the message I get personally ifs you think you have some Good given right to do so. Hmm been told by God have you? Sound like another area of the world and their crazy claims to me? As fit the stupid and incompetent comments...Well I mean....starting that he, Edward Snowden, should "come back" and face the music so to speak?!

Well I am sure he is on a plane coming back, you Fecking morons! Lol.

This is the attitude as your not supposed to have a mind of your own, or compassion note empathy. I think they're was a mistake as their souls entered the wrong animal when resurrected and were meant for Queen Ants?! Lol, after all they sit their on their arses while the workers week fling themselves into the path of one of their predators to save the nest. But at least they have a point and not intent on world domination using stealth and money.

At least that is how it appears as I can say with certainty that for some time now that no so Great Britain sends to be America's bitch and seen to have their fingers into our infrastructure, don't understand Britain or its people and gradually destroying this country. Also when I say Americans it does feel like it has a slight Republican whiff about it.

If someone had told me ten to twenty years ago that I would think this and be typing these words I would have labelled them as insane.

The trouble is they won't give a shit if they completely lose control of this country and its people which is where it is heading. What worries me is that if it does and when it does is that there will be factions of the UK society that are undesirable but will take advantage of the situation and make it worse.

Course all those with money and power, most of them and the smart ones, would have long since fecked off by then.

Such a shame it has come to this but at least Edward Snowden has helped reveal these amoral morons for the....amoral....morons they are, lol. Of course it had aided me in my endeavors too because I do not sound quite so mad now, lol.

Of course I have provided more than enough evidence with secretly recorded audio, secretly recorded phone conversations, videos, scans and emails but many are ignorant and some are lazy. Well either that or amoral people make up the majority of society. But WHICH societies?!


Snowden publishes 'manifesto' as White House, lawmakers deny plea for clemency -

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