Tuesday 2 July 2013


Well that is a nice payback for Edward Snowden?!

He divulges that American and Britain have been spying on European delegates and two countries not only have made complete idiots of themselves by refusing the wrong plane to sky through their airspace but also have this attitude towards someone who was doing the European Union a huge favour?!

This if how two of the countries treat him?!

Mr Snowden trust me on this I know EXACTLY how you feel right now?!

Do you now have these fleeting thoughts after reading this that you do not know why you bothered to do it as you have had no thanks for it?!

I do not see anyone queuing up to hero you our offer asylum but their are thousands in th UK alone who are criminals and yet given asylum and I mean real criminals but someone who if being hinted down like a rabid dog for telling the truth!

There is only one possible alternative to all this and why both France and Portugal were prepared to let themselves appear like frightened trembling schoolgirls over this and it had something to with an episode in the not too distant history repeating itself.

But I am sure Mr Snowden would have been privy to this fact if it was a fact and would have been the biggest headline grabbing piece of data to have emerged in 74 years or more?!

So why have France, who are normally whining about both the UK and the USA over the years, now actually kept writer about this as get as I have been hearing and refused that aircraft use of it's airspace thinking Edward Snowden was aboard it?!

The only countries that I know of this far to have complained about the spying is Germany and Turkey. One with previous power management issues and the other with previous and current anger management issues.

I suppose with the fact America was dead against the European Union, I was not until I started to see that they were even bigger idiots and wasters of money than even the UK government are and hence one if many reasons why I like Nigel Farage and his opinion of the bureaucrats over there.

If it were not for the fact that we are being died upon on a humungous scale I would not have chosen to attack them, well that and they claim transitivity for terror cells in Manchester, Birmingham and that child sex ring which had nothing to do with them or their prism system and not familiar with reciprocation in any way shape or form!!

In fact they all seen to lie for their superiors without knowing the complete reading they have lied. I like to believe that once upon a time this would have had something WORTHY of these lies but I do not and cannot see a reason for it.

Not for a small payback for my help either instead of just claiming the admiration or his using as an excuse of their bullshit what was handed to them on a plate by someone that showed both them and the police how to do their jobs as well as hire to do it on an honourable and honest fashion.

So no I cannot see that and just like the companies that are American owned, yeah OK I ask just gambling that done are based on their attitudes, they only seem to be out to get leverage to duo with money and power!!

After all they reassured the American public that they were not listening on them. Do only Muslims NOT living in z America sure potential terrorists then? Something a but special about American Muslims obviously. There is a small town in the North of England I have always wanted to visit and that is Boston!

Ooh but I guess in this context the word Boston you roll not want to hear?!

God these people are supposed to be intelligent for Christ sakes?! I an going too spend the next two years pulling to pieces everything they say anywhere until they learn that they just cannot come it with any old knee jerk reaction bullshit and will be lapped up by naive public?!

There is nothing that states that you sure any more intelligent tough the next man....ooh no wait...yes OK so successive governments have screwed up education for bloody years. Presently further education if non existent sure to both the expense plus no foreseeable future where a degree or diploma will be financially rewarding.

Yes I forgot about that. Silly me!

No but I am still hear and I will continue to show the truth or give the lies blurted out the mouths of politicians a good scouting and divulge what I believe to be the closest to the truth to the best of my ability! As those who now find it so second nature to lie it's scary.

It's almost like they act as if it should be expected that they lie to get these jobs and when elected into positions of power and do not make good on their innuendos they are like "Well what do you expect?! That is how it is! DOH!"

There is nothing more cringing than watching yet another dictator in Egypt, no more than two years after the last, refusing on TV to go when he complained that the last guy refused to go when thousands gathered outside and said go and could not edit to get his arse in that position. Two years later and he is doing the exact same thing. So yes a hypocrit!

With each day that comes the works become ever more mad and backwards and the contradictions as will is ...mmm what is the word I am looking for....disproportianately unsure rules to the ridiculous being rebranded left right and centre.

Large crimes are given lame excuses and protected by stupid laws like Statues if Limitations while let down the later a brick filled book held aloft and a firing squad waiting once the book had bounced of you're head and hunted like a bad dog until the end of days?!

All the time and everywhere you look it is brewing and brewing. Inevitably this fortunate motley crew of spoiled brain-dead individuals who are responsible for ruining things and took stubborn to do what is right to protect their way of life along with others more fortunate than them will have no lives left or way of life left to protect and neither Erik those they are protecting.

What I find amusing is that when it all goes to hell, and I have seen nothing yet to think it will steer from this course, these morons wool not have the first idea how to fend for themselves.

First that which they were holding out for will evaporate around them and then the realisation that they are now exposed like a raw nerve will hit home too late and then panic sets in.

Do not worry if it gets to that stage I am pretty sure the feeling of panic which will be so alien to you like do many other human emotions you have taken for granted for so long, will not actually lay that long.

At this point if you have EVER read this blog by that time, should you be unlucky enough to have it thrust upon yourselves by you're own actions, you will suddenly realise still too late what I had been saying all along.

Despite what you may think may have changed in my situation to sheet what I think and/or what I do I say this...

...no, NO a thousands times no! You are not even close enough to enter into a decent orbit!

Thief that you were is only an insult to my intelligence. Does not make yours look too good either, lol.

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