Sunday, 21 July 2013


I'm, I'm, I'm ....CONFUSED!!

Let me get this straight...absolutely STRAIGHT!

Everyone was complaint about the Olympics and the cost until it was on and everyone forgot about it all and it was praised.

There were still done that stated that there would still be this....hangover period after the Olympics which there was. The football team taking it over was all over the place and still but decided today?!

It still cost us a huge amount of money. While it was on GROUP 4 screwed up the security. Someone screwed up ticket sales and there were loads of empty seats?!

It THEN TURNED OUT that these were because tickets were being given away in mountains of them as perks or sweeteners?! So this means the Olympics cost even more money due to all those free tickets?!

But then a few days ago there if a report that states that the Olympics had made the UK £10 BILLION?!?!

What the FECK?!

It gets better as now to hire soon these best people, biggest saviour of the Olympics did not even get a thank you lol, they put 144 People on permanent contracts for an event that lasts a few weeks?! Then to exit those contracts they had to pay them £2.8 Million EACH?!

Are they fucking kidding me?!

Not only are the people releasing Simon this shit so stupid they do not keep track but the reporters must be even more THICK than the Olympic people because they cannot do simple mathematics?!

They talk such utter fecking crap it is untrue. £10 Billion my fecking arse!

First of still I am pretty sure it cost a little more than that before the event started. Then there e'er the sexual running of it. The screw up that meant the army for called in and paid. Still those empty seats and free ticket fiasco and added to that is the payment to just Group 4 alone of £50 to £60 Million and that was after they dropped it from £100 million I think it was because if the screw up?!

Do not know what the army for paid, lol.

Why the hell do these reporters but smell the crap they are shovelling out?! My God the pay offs for them must be great too. You only need a bloody calculator for Christ sake.

I do but bloody care what plier think about the Olympics it was a cost to the public purse and you cannot complain about the welfare state when you have just paid out £20 Billion for a load if sweaty people rio run around a race track?! Not when there are people starving, children suffering and people dying. I have but even touched on disabled people and their suffering either?!

It is pure selfish to sit their and IGNORE what was obviously a farce because done sweaty sportsmen and women win some gold medals?!

In all honesty neither anyone I know nor myself knew not only no one who attended the Olympics but but did we meet anyone who was happy about it or watched it on television and that is a retail store in Enfield and all the customers that come in and for shook the years since it was announced it would be held here right up until it was over.

In fact many were joyous when it was finally over?!

So I know when I run through just the notes I have made on here from thief one report there are going to be a few rude words and the air in the shop is likely to turn blue.

Half the time I just have no bloody idea where these people and the journalists not only her their figures from but where they get their brains from too because whatever it is they use for intelligence that matter is NOT GREY!

Do they really believe their own hype that much that they think everyone will just buy it?!

Man alive!

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