Monday 29 July 2013


Well it feels a little precarious but it is done and here it is with the laptop sitting atop its surface!

The silicon sealer may not be the best quality out there and it may not have even dried properly as this should take 48 hours. It does not say on the tube only that it is 'quick drying' which I have not seen on a silicone sealant before.

I have given it a second going over with the glue and decided to put it in place and just leave it to dry with the weight on it, hopefully will become more solid when it does.

Anyone attempting to copy this design I warn you now there is a design flaw I only realised last night but just so happens it does not affect mine due to the two legs being slightly overlong... careful about leg length was with laptop close to legs you do not want it tipping over onto the floor!! LMAO!!

I may well put another leg on at an angle to remove any REMOTE possibility of this happening, we will see.

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