Saturday 2 November 2013


Right now here is the letter from the GMC with their conclusion.

Many that will eventually read this will know already that I have done this many times before with a great many Ombudsman and Governing Bodies and will also know that it got nowhere at all.

SO why did I do it?

To show that not just one but all of these bodies do nothing and that they run a vast network of buildings and huge numbers of staff for each and every one out there, paid for with your taxes that do nothing.

The government would be better off scraping them all and using the money to give those that cannot afford it access to legal representation. They have gradually taken away legal rights over the last 20 years while replacing it with Window dressing that does nothing at all.

I provide the scans of the conclusion below but also note too that they completely avoid the fact that a Hospital Doctor falsified test results and only admit to listening to ONE of the TWO links I gave them to secretly recorded audio?

Also note how they comment about the fact I was asked the name of the Support Group and act as if they are confused?! After the scans I will copy and paste my reply to their letter, incompetence and fignred idiocy ...ANGERS ME, GRRRR, HULK SMASH!! LMAO!!

Now the reply and REMEMBER...I do not expect them to do ANYTHING nor have I ever but I WOULD hope that they remove the fact I am violent from my records but do not hold out much hope.

But then when the time comes I will simply ask them to PROVE it and look up the Police Record I do not have, lol.


Dear Sirs


First off all I would like to point out that I found your letter patronizing, condescending and completely full of errors. 

So I shall return the favor...

1) Firstly I converted my anger regarding Doctor Gubbay to point out what should be blatantly obvious already and to point to potential problems with patients not add tolerant as me. Your first mistake. Also if such a fear was so believed a request for my Police records would have sufficed to out that matter at rest.

2) The agreement to disclose to Doctor Fiber should have been abit the argument only that had been made against him. I will get to this point later...

3) The while situation was started and I did FULLY INFORM YOU was over Doctor Francis lying about a ultrasound test, the complaint about Dr Gubbay was secondary to Guys reaction which had been that way since I registered.

4) Thirdly it is quite obvious from your letter that you only looked at one thing on my blog and that itself was a mistake and u clearly told you that I recorded EVERYTHING, but I guess you did not bitter reading that far.

5) Thirdly you ate quite correct as Amitriotyline is NOT a suitable replacement end of story and if his judgement ifs sound then first if why did I get referred a pain specialist who clearly states on THAT recording I made that I needed a NEUROLOGICAL DRUG which had now been completely thrown out in favor of something entirely different.

6) IF Amitriptyline was so obvious a drug hire I'd it that it had taken Dr Gubbay a year to prescribe it and the NHS TWELVE YEARS TO DO SO?

7) I find it totally shocking that you would send a copy of what I typed to Dr Gubbay as you then have quite obviously and unnecessarily scared the hell out off him. If I wanted that I would have done it myself. What I say when I am angry and what I do ate two completely different things and sorry to have to point out that saying it's not a punishable offence while acting in it it's! This was careless and unnecessary and I am shocked that you would send those documents without editing that part out.

8) This claim towards me is false and I am shocked at your response add I clearly said I can prove it and how I can prove it.

9) I also rid you about the lies and mistakes that have occurred and can I quote you as starting that it is perfectly OK for medical professionals to both LIE and back up falsified documents and tests?!

10) I REPEAT what I said in that I have spoken to a solicitor and that I was clearly told, oh I recorded that too, that I can take both Doctors and the NHS too court provided I have several scans done privately. But what I have given to you is not enough?

11) The point of emphasizing the sarcasm was because he was obviously trying to get a ride out of me which had never occurred. Now please pay attention....

I clearly stated to Dr Gubbay to refer nee to the Pain Consultant. He asked why and I told him that the group I was attending was not the REAL GROUP and that this was a mile away and I can only be referred by the PAIN SPECIALIST. I HAD ALSO TOLD HIM THE MADNESS OF THE GROUP TOO. But he then became sarcastic over the fact he did not know the names when I first off all DID tell him and secondly ALSO TODD HIM MOMENTS EARLIER that he CANNOT refer me! This was to purely show you how obstinate he is and how difficult patients would find him. I also suggested that her may have been worried about the false claim and that he attempted to try and get my angry to prove his false claim.

12) Odd that you pointed this out as a mistake to me when u did not ask you to act on that and spoke like I am an idiot. Also of that you failed to acknowledge that it was now YOU that had caused him to react that way and send me the letter letting me go?!

13) I told you previously and will now do so again in that being kicked off their register does not bother me by the fact remains that I have now been falsely accused by the NHS and this goes on record and is both slanderous and libellous. That I will not accept nor take lying down.

14) Your mention of Doctors making decisions based on their clinical Judgement when I had also clearly stated previously and if course have still the associated recordings whereby every single area I try to disk to him about her had also reacted sarcastically that "I AM NOT A SPECIALIST IN THIS AREA" but suddenly he is now that he had prescribed the opposite Toure if medication to which the pain specialist advised? Based on the fact that he STATED that I DO NOT HAVE a Neurological Condition. Based on Mute lying about other tests which I can also prove plus already have ONE FULLY DIAGNOSED NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION which is not only listed in my medical notes but I have also been prescribed medication for?!

I simply have to ask the next question add the sole summing up...


Lastly are you a PUBLIC SERVICE, just do I know.


Martin Haswell BSc

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