Saturday 2 November 2013


Well now that have a western world wide chain of stores....I mean offices it seems?

I must admit to being totally blown away by this one, if true. First time I did the equivalent of a double take, lol.

So treason it is then and treason all round?! So who do these agencies think they work for and who do they answer to then?

It is a sad state of affairs and an era of shame being entered when agencies that ste meant to work in the interests of their people and their country run amok and only work for themselves?!

It is like that scene in the film The Long Kiss Goodnight with Geena Davis eject it turns out the terrorists planning to blow up a town are actually an American spy agency, probably NSA, just so they can get their budget from the taxpayers of which they are about to kill tens of thousands of?! They also plan on blaming it on foreigners, Muslims I think.

As mad as it sounds as a plot the reality is scarily similar or at least appears to be in the first instance?!

Utter madness and these so called agencies should all be ashamed of themselves.

Germany, France and Spain 'were all spying on citizens' -

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