Thursday 7 November 2013


Well it is one hell of a surprising list and then some.

The only symptoms I have that are not on the list already have a diagnosis with Hiatus Hernia and Heartburn, Oesophagitis and vomiting, Inguinal Hernia and Groin Pain.

For bloody years I could not figure out how I could be afflicted with so many things and now I know. Because not only were the physical pains all linked so was everything else too!

Now remember I disagreed with Doctors and Specialists for bloody years who stated time after time that even only the painful areas could not be linked! You have heard of second opinions? Well 4 Orthopaedics, 3 Rheumatologists, 5 Physiotherapists, 3 Podiatrists, 1 Bi-pedal mechanics doobrey lol, 1 back specialist, 1 chiropractor private, 11 GPs PLUS and I am on my 29th, probably forgetting some too, and I still have not had one utter the term FIBROMYALGIA!

In fact they did not consider CMT nor Dupuytren's either. One year and this is my third guesstimate and looks like I finally got there! Feck me I should be a Doctor?! Lmao!

It is now a HUGE relief...finally. At least now I can focus on this. I also know my thoughts about exercise, stress and diet were correct!

Now I just need to be referred to a Fibromyalgia specialist and I am home free?! Lol.


-an ache (YES)
-a burning sensation (YES early as 1991)
-a sharp stabbing pain (YES)

hyperalgesia - when you are extremely sensitive to pain (yes think so but rare)

allodynia - when you feel pain from something that should not be painful at all, such as a very light touch (DO NOT RECALL)

changes in the weather (YES)
your stress levels (YES)
how physically active you are (YES)

Stiffness (YES)

Fibromyalgia can make you feel stiff.  The stiffness may be most severe when you have been in the same position for a long period of time, such as when you first wake up in the morning. Fibromyalgia can also cause your muscles to spasm, which is when they contract (squeeze) tightly and painfully. This can affect your sleep (see below).

Fatigue (YES)

Fatigue (extreme tiredness) as a result of fibromyalgia can range from a mild, tired feeling to the exhaustion often experienced during a flu-like illness. Sometimes, severe fatigue may come on very suddenly and can drain you of all your energy. If this occurs, you may feel too tired to do anything at all.

Poor quality sleep (YES)

Fibromyalgia can affect your sleep. You may find you often wake up tired even when you have had plenty of sleep. This is because fibromyalgia can sometimes prevent you from sleeping deeply enough to refresh you properly. You may hear this described as ‘non-restorative sleep’.

Cognitive problems ('fibro-fog') (YES)

Cognitive problems are problems with mental processes, such as thinking and learning. If you have fibromyalgia, you may have:
1 trouble remembering and learning new things
2 problems with attention and concentration
3 slowed or confused speech

Headaches (YES)

If you have pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders from fibromyalgia, you may also have frequent headaches. These can vary from being mild headaches to severe migraines, which may also involve other symptoms, such as nausea (feeling sick). (YES)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (YES)

If you have fibromyalgia, you may develop irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as well. IBS is a common digestive condition that causes pain and bloating in your stomach. It can also cause constipation (when you are unable to empty your bowels) and diarrhoea (passing loose stools).

Other symptoms..

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia can include:
-not being able to regulate your body temperature (feeling too hot or too cold) (YES)

-restless legs syndrome (unpleasant sensations in your legs and feeling like you need to move your legs to get some relief) (YES)

-tingling, numbness, prickling, or burning sensations in your hands and feet (paresthesia) (YES)

-tinnitus (the perception of a noise in one or both ears that comes from inside your body) (YES)

-unusually painful periods (in women) (NO LOL)

-anxiety (YES)

-depression (see below) (YES)

It is possible for fibromyalgia to lead to depression. This is because the condition can be difficult to deal with, and low levels of certain hormones, such as serotonin, can make you prone to developing depression.

Depression can cause many symptoms, including:

-constantly feeling low
-a lack of interest in the things you usually enjoy
-feeling tearful

If you think you may be depressed, it is important to get help from your GP, or your fibromyalgia healthcare professional.


Now want to know the crazy part about this post I only just realised and had to edit it? Well take a look at just WHO that information came from?!


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