Wednesday 3 July 2013


Think it if unfair if the BBC to refer to the rich and powerful as microbes and insinuating they sure like something that crawled out from under a rock?!


Seriously though this report by scientists, though bloody obvious and would have been so for years, comes at the perfect time for this blog.

This says that we will die or fail to be able to survive as a race on Earth any longer.

No deity is going to fly in on a giant white horse, our cloud carrying a cup, staff or trident to save us. It will be down to US to save us.

However that is not looking good right now and if I was forced to place my money on whether the human raced survived or not then 'or not' would be my choice.

We have one life and it is very short and I am lost to understand why such a small minority seem to think they have rights over others by some divine privilege granted by the grandest of beings our deities?!

We stay we die we leave we live.

But we are unable to work together because so many are stubborn, want their beliefs heard which are nowhere the facts by any stretch if the imagination. Force their beliefs on others while these others do their bidding and provide the money and means to survive beyond this that have the intelligence to help them.

Hmm not took dissimilar to Pharaohs when you think about it?! So eager to survive to wherever it is they are going, or think they are, that they have copy stopped too think how they will get things done when they get there.

Do not even think the words FEMA or COBRA they cannot run a simple country our get the simplest of things right. You do not think they are capable of anything of this intricacy?!

Don't make me laugh! Lol.

I wonder whether the German film director Roland Emmerich was having a dig at this with his films The Day After Tomorrow and 2012?!

Life is not like the 400 metre hurdles as each time you jump an obstacle the terrain becomes more treacherous until out is nigh on impossible.

Only team work will prevail not a mad prehistoric panic and rush to be the overlord, richest, biggest, most powerful or whatever else you tossers think you are aiming to be.

Of you think about no one then no one will think about you.

If you make out you think about people when really you think about no one it WILL GET OUT and then your fecked. Then EVERYONE wants too think about you. In a very bad way.

It is the age of the shattering of these charades.

Duck and cover, son, duck...and cover.

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