Thursday 11 July 2013


Ooh here we go...why of course you knew NOTHING about it?! You company heads never do and you always have LEMMINGS to take the fall for you too?!

Hmm you know what I like that. Like the game Lemmings from years ago you have a bunch of mindless cute rodents who keep moving but you control certain aspects if them and have to save them our as many as you can!

Only in the real world it is the exact opposite. Lol. Not very bright and extremely short attention span, hehe. Or the slightly brighter ones have a sign in neon saying 'SOUL FOR SALE ENQUIRE WITHIN'?! LMAO!

Yes there seems to be no end of people just like these Lemmings who follow orders and then just bend over and take it when the shit hits the fan.

I do not think these people can have a soul in all honesty, lol. Maybe they SOLD IT?!

Yup there has been a few whistleblowers but not quite enough, lol.

Take back your SOULS!

GSK staff face China bribery probe

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