Monday 4 November 2013


Yes, Theresa May, a bit like how they caught so many terrorists and stopped attacks on the Olympics all down to the illegal snooping that of course they do not listen to?!

All I can say is shoe-makers!! I mean COBBLERS!!

It was ME! Typical that I live in a nation whereby people and business like to nick or make money on other people's ingenuity, genius or inventive talents.

In fact it is going on right now and with this very blog, lol. You cannot prove anything these days unless you prove it to everyone. Even if it is one at a time?!

But of course there will be huge sections that are evil, amoral, Tories, lol and New Labour (technically Old Labour and Ed Balls) and these won't care even though I am right!

Thus far everyone has reacted, or not, stated and done or not done I should state exactly as I had predicted and just add they did previously.

The longer this blog gets added to without positive things happening the more it just proves me correct, lol.

See? They called me a genius, just like detectives did, but that is just because I will always appear to be a genius to incompetent people, lol.

May defends terror control system

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