Wednesday 17 July 2013


Will you look at that?

The Taliban have revealed that they were shocked?! Shocked?!

Fuck off you murderous thugs now she had been all over TV and still over the world you now know that people see you for what you are because Malala has already stated it for all to see and hear.

Your scared of women and you are only interested in keeping you're women oppressed, scared and stupid. Otherwise they might answer you back, walk pout the door if you beat them and if get s job you will live in fear that they will become independent and not need you.

There is a word for that it is called being insecure. There are a couple of others that normally go with that word and they are oppressors, torture, wife beaters, tyrants.

Now she is doing more damage to you that any army ever could and you do hot like it. Week how long had it been since she was shot?! Where was you're letter in all that time?!

Where was your apology? No apology and yet you asked her to return home?!

Are you really all that stupid and naive?! You are still testing her like a robot and a slave you can control?!

Time to shut up and go and live in those caves and anyone ever notice that on their videos there are never anyone women?!

Hmm I wonder?!

You and your people are so fat behind the rest of the world it is ridiculous! In fact had you not been chasing your own backsides you had the perfect opportunity of late to achieve done catching up!

But as your ideals and visions belong in a time from 1,000 years ago you never will.

No one ever said that the west was perfect and no one knows that more than I do. But even so it does not make what you are doing correct and you have no right to enforce your out of date beliefs on others and no right to take lives.

What amazes me is how idiots do terrible things in your name because they think you are doing what you do for your people that are suffering?! Just shows how many dunces and brain dead people you have at your disposal with no minds of their own?!

But now a young schoolgirl had down ask your mindless pawns what you really are towards you're own people?!

I mean blowing up women and children of westerners or white people is OK as is using then for sex even under age!! But when an innocent young girl in you're own country is shot by her own people suddenly everything changes?!

It just shows how many of these Muslims are two-faced and hate the people they now live among and even children are in danger! You act as if you are done higher supreme beings closer to good when really you behave with no morals at all and I think the THE KORAN is just something you use to excuse your animal like behaviour, you're intolerant nature and your final like actions similar to that of a slithering serpent?!

Taliban 'shock' over Malala attack

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